Dear Lidango: Please Stop Emailing Me


New member
Nov 30, 2008
Dear Lidango,
I understand part of your job is to seek out new affiliates but JESUS FUCKING CHRIST I have received no less than 50 emails in the last 2 weeks from a multitude of affiliate managers all spamming whois guards.

  • We know you're a network
  • We know you have offers
  • We know how to sign up if interested
Please tell your AMs to chill the fuck out.

Seriously ... and to top it all off they don't even know what my LP is. They outed some other poor schmucks LP.

"Hi I saw your landing page at"

"You got the wrong guy, not my page"

"Ooops sorry, what I meant was ..."

its part of manager's tactic for recruiting affiliates... I understand it can be frustrating and annoying... But also rewarding from time to time

please feel free to email back "not interested" if you get annoyed.
You are fucking spamming whoisguard emails. Sending a "fuck off" won't help much. So I'll try the dickroll route, if that doesn't stop you fuckers I'm seriously contemplating to have my lawyer deal with your desperate company. You guys are seriously taking it to another fucking level.
Amen AffAholic,

I had a talk with the John the owner of Lidango, who has been a nice guy and I have a relationship with, the other day to ask them if they see someone running our links to not spam them. And mentioned I think it's a shady practice in general. We have a lot of seed sites around so I get a lot of the the emails myself. This is a pretty desperate attempt to get affiliates if you ask me. Not just Lidango but any network that has to stoop to spamming peoples whois I'd question. Just my opinion.
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its part of manager's tactic for recruiting affiliates... I understand it can be frustrating and annoying... But also rewarding from time to time

please feel free to email back "not interested" if you get annoyed.

pathetic. most definitely not signing up with lidango.

spamming whois is not can-spam compliant is it (i'm not an email guy so i'm not really up to date on what is/isn't can-spam compliant). if it's not, just start fwding the spam to legal entities designed to deal w/ it. hit up an AG or something. they're openly refusing to stop the tactic right there (above quoted post).
its part of manager's tactic for recruiting affiliates... I understand it can be frustrating and annoying... But also rewarding from time to time

please feel free to email back "not interested" if you get annoyed.

Please feel free to shut the hell up. What Lidango is doing is more than annoying me. They are violating the CAN SPAM act, and going about getting affiliates like a common spammer. If they aren't careful they're going to get a lawsuit dropped on them quick. I'm speaking with my lawyer about it today, this has gotten out of hand.
its part of manager's tactic for recruiting affiliates... I understand it can be frustrating and annoying... But also rewarding from time to time

please feel free to email back "not interested" if you get annoyed.

So you're basically saying "Um, excuse me guys I understand that it's annoying but you can basically fuck off."

wow... you are an amazing AM. SIGN ME UP!!!!
the point is not to annoy or spam or get anyone upset... but we'll stop its not a problem.

We are NOT trying to spam anyone and not sending viruses to anyone.

Point taken though, thanks for the feedback.

I think that if I just got one email to my whois guard per website that would have been "ok" not good but ok. But the fact that I got multiple emails to the same whois guard for the same domain sometimes 5+ times per site is a little much.