David vs Monsanto

If that is true... why do they choose to buy them? Unless there is some real mafia shit involved, the upsides must outweigh the downsides for the farmers.

You gotta understand the mindset of a farmer. Many of them are not educated folk. They do what they are told. Many farmers are slaves of the bigger meat processor corporations (which is also an oligopoly). Meat processors dictate what farmers are supposed to do. If they tell them to use GMO feed, they will use GMO feed regardless of the outcome.

It is also difficult to find non-GMO feed, because most farmers go GMO (whether they want to or not ;)). Often feed is not even labelled as GMO or non GMO. Or mixed together at the sorting facility.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGqg_9c-ZqE]MONSANTO - Infertility from GMO Foods Proven ! Farmers speak out ! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eilDbdLAyFs]Farmer feeds GMO corn to his pigs: they all become sterile. - YouTube[/ame]

Death of the Bees. Genetically Modified Crops and the Decline of Bee Colonies in North America | Global Research
If that is true... why do they choose to buy them? Unless there is some real mafia shit involved, the upsides must outweigh the downsides for the farmers.

It is pretty much legalized mafia.

Meat processing is an oligopoly. If you do not work with the meat processors, you will not get your meat on the shelves of big stores. Most meat processors will force farmers to sign ridiculous contracts that basically turn them into slaves. They must do everything according to rules of the meat processor (think kind of like franchise). They must buy certain feed, they must produce certain number per area, even if that means cramming animals together.

You don't think meat processors are in bed with big feed companies? Where do you think feed companies get the feed? You don't think they are influenced by Monsanto?
You gotta understand the mindset of a farmer. Many of them are not educated folk. They do what they are told.

Believe it or not, I actually know a few (in NZ).

They might be uneducated, believe in their fairytale stories (bible and stuff), but they certainly know their stuff about what they do and are really (REALLY) skeptic of new things.

But it's a hard business to be in and they will try to get any shortcut they can get. So it was probably their own choice, trying to make a quick buck and they deserve the blame.

Now they are probably whining to try to get some compensation/subsidies for their self inflicted losses...
It is pretty much legalized mafia.

Meat processing is an oligopoly. If you do not work with the meat processors, you will not get your meat on the shelves of big stores. Most meat processors will force farmers to sign ridiculous contracts that basically turn them into slaves. They must do everything according to rules of the meat processor (think kind of like franchise). They must buy certain feed, they must produce certain number per area, even if that means cramming animals together.

You don't think meat processors are in bed with big feed companies? Where do you think feed companies get the feed? You don't think they are influenced by Monsanto?

I don't really give a shit as I am not American. I am just trying to point out the inaccuracies in the story.

So are you telling me that they are forced under the threat of violence to sign those contracts? Is there a threat to people opening up a competing meat processing business without those restrictions?

If yes, then what the fuck are you guys doing over there... Rip that shit up.

But my guess is that the money is just too good for the farmers and they sign those contracts happily.
Believe it or not, I actually know a few (in NZ).

They might be uneducated, believe in their fairytale stories (bible and stuff), but they certainly know their stuff about what they do and are really (REALLY) skeptic of new things.

Yes, of course. They have vast knowledge in the farming, probably passed by parents and so on.

But when a sales person from Monsanto comes along with charts and lucrative numbers during a drought seasons, you bet you'll sign up for his spiel. You'll sign any dotted line, even if says to give up your first new born.
So are you telling me that they are forced under the threat of violence to sign those contracts? Is there a threat to people opening up a competing meat processing business without those restrictions?

Not violence. Mostly just laws. The government laws regarding meat processing are so tight, that smaller shops cannot follow them. And why these laws are even there? Well, most likely they were lobbied in by the larger meat processors themselves to remove all competition ;)

Then smaller guys will be hit with inspections and fines. That's where the big guys come in. They'll say, it's ok, we'll help you pay your fines, if you sign up with us and become XYZ meat processor, instead of independent.
Then why blame monsanto and not the farmers?

Monsanto controls the seed supply for many major crops. Hard to blame the farmers when they have been tricked into believing that the crops won't require any insecticides and that they are choosing something that is environmentally friendly as well.

Farmers have actually ended up using more insecticides with GM crops.

The nexus of shitty governments and corporations is mostly to blame IMO

You don't believe in "fairy tale" stuff but you do believe that eating foods which have an insecticide gene are safe.

To me and several others, it is pretty obvious why we shouldn't eat something which is killing insects and birds who feed on it.

"It is safe for humans, just not for insects and birds" Oh yea, seems legit.
I guess I am alone here. But why blame the company which is just profit oriented in the end. Why blame the guy lobbying to keep his business profitable?

Blame the system that makes lobbying possible/necessary. Otherwise even if say Monsanto gets killed off, two more like it will pop up.
Can someone aware me quickly on why genetically modified plants should be bad for us or the environment?

If those modified plants survive better than their counterparts, I would say they deserve to win the evolutionary battle.

We humans have been doing this for thousands of years, its just the technology that has gotten better. Trying the best seed/breed is a good thing.

good luck bros

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pZVRrbyGtos]Medical Documentary on Genetically Modified Food - Genetic Roulette - The Gamble of Our Lives - YouTube[/ame]
monsanto is a fag

MOnsanto to be put above USDA soon
According to Natural Society, the latest in the news of the Monsanto biotech corporation getting even more into bed with the U.S. government comes in the form of the “Monsanto Protection Act,” legislation that gives the company “blanket immunity” if the USDA decides to review their genetically-modified products for any dangers that could exist.

Obama Sells Government to Monsanto (NYSE: MON)
Monsanto to Get "Blanket Immunity"

Until they conduct long-term human safety studies / trials for any GM shit, they can go fuck themselves. No reason to support them without any proof of safety

Are you a dumb fuck? why is it on anyone to prove something is safe. Oh wait, you need to prove that it's unsafe first. The parallels with atlas shrugged are mind boggling.
what if i tell you monsanto families eat only organic foods.
i have no proof of this, but try proving me wrong.
I think a lot of hehjo's questions could be answered by the mention of the Roundup-GMO Seeds duopoly.

Roundup is the #1 selling bug spray/herbicide on earth, with little to no competition worth speaking of.

Organic Farming is really the only competition to Roundup. All farmers know this and no serious attempts exist to dethrone it.

The problem is, that Roundup is so strong it kills a percentage of the crops themselves! If you have non-GMO (heirloom) seeds and spray roundup on those crops, you'll kill more crop than the bugs would have eaten. :(

That's why Monsanto started making GMO crops: To resist ROUNDUP.

And that's why they sell so many GMO seeds: So farmers ARE ABLE TO COMPETE.

Later, after their dominance was secured, did monsanto start dabbling in other aspects of improving these plants.

Blame the system that makes lobbying possible/necessary. Otherwise even if say Monsanto gets killed off, two more like it will pop up.
That's the ultimate solution, of course. But Statists gonna state...

Oh fuck...

Just makes me look forward to the complete collapse even more.
Blame the system that makes lobbying possible/necessary. Otherwise even if say Monsanto gets killed off, two more like it will pop up.

Sure, but people that live outside of the USA have no power to fight the system in the USA.

But Monsanto uses the money they earn in USA to spread themselves into other countries, like Canada. The center of the documentary is a dude from Canada, who was bullied via court system. Most farmers, especially in Canada, are poor (not subsidized by the gov), and cannot afford legal fees. So they give in to Monsanto demands. Monsanto on the other hand has virtually unlimited resources by comparison.

In lesser established countries they will simply resort to bribery, and in developed countries they'll use the court system to bully farmers.

The premise of the documentary, if you didn't watch it, is that they found some GMO crops on the farmers land and sued him for patent violation. He did not plant them, they were blown in by the wind. How does that even make any sense? They might as well just come at night and throw some seeds on your land and they say you did it. Who can prove otherwise? Now you are automatically guilty of a patent violation, and *ALL* your crops belong to Monsanto. This is so bizarre!
Sure, but people that live outside of the USA have no power to fight the system in the USA.

But Monsanto uses the money they earn in USA to spread themselves into other countries, like Canada. The center of the documentary is a dude from Canada, who was bullied via court system. Most farmers, especially in Canada, are poor (not subsidized by the gov), and cannot afford legal fees. So they give in to Monsanto demands. Monsanto on the other hand has virtually unlimited resources by comparison.

In lesser established countries they will simply resort to bribery, and in developed countries they'll use the court system to bully farmers.

The premise of the documentary, if you didn't watch it, is that they found some GMO crops on the farmers land and sued him for patent violation. He did not plant them, they were blown in by the wind. How does that even make any sense? They might as well just come at night and throw some seeds on your land and they say you did it. Who can prove otherwise? Now you are automatically guilty of a patent violation, and *ALL* your crops belong to Monsanto. This is so bizarre!

So what's the solution to the problem?
Are you a dumb fuck? why is it on anyone to prove something is safe. Oh wait, you need to prove that it's unsafe first. The parallels with atlas shrugged are mind boggling.

I hope you don't get sick off GM foods
I hope you're not referring to that fake French scientific report stating that GMOs cause cancer.

Sure, lets genetically modify 75% of our food and eat that shit. Swallow it down.

It can't be bad for us. Of course not, there's no studies proving it. And of course if it is bad, it would probably take a 20 year study to prove it. So eat away.

Go for it. Harmones, steroids, antibiotics, genetically modified material, high fructose corn syrup, hell yeah!

Why would any of that be bad for you? We're Americans! All you can eat buffets for $4.99!!! Fuck yeah!

(you go do that. I'll eat my simple locally garden grown fruits and veggies and organic meats. see you around in 20 years and we can compare notes. just for fun)