David vs Monsanto


New member
Jul 6, 2008
Anybody seen this documentary? I watched it today. Absolutely outragous and possibily a threat to the food supply in my opinion.

Free on Amazon prime and probably other places on the web.

Wow, definitely connected. And if that documentary is accurate, ruthless. Seems a matter of time before the seed base accoss the world is completely contaminated by their genetic engineered versions, because the natural spreading cannot be controlled, and they will own the means to produce food - So says the governments.

One part that jumped out at me in this documentary was how farmers collect seeds from this years harvest and replant them next year. Now these companies are putting into the evironment genetic versions where the seeds are rendered sterile and will not germinate next year. So you have to buy new seeds from them. The problem IMO is that the natural spread of these genetic versions cannot be controlled and will spread so no one will be able to collect and replant usable seends. Scary stuff what they are monkeying with.
It isn't accurate in many ways. Talk to farmers, see what they think about monsanto.

Around here, most farmers love them, and we have even had some sued by either them or DuPont over seed reuse.
Fuck Monsanto and every other similar cancer causing criminal outfit
Wow, definitely connected. And if that documentary is accurate, ruthless. Seems a matter of time before the seed base accoss the world is completely contaminated by their genetic engineered versions, because the natural spreading cannot be controlled, and they will own the means to produce food - So says the governments.

One part that jumped out at me in this documentary was how farmers collect seeds from this years harvest and replant them next year. Now these companies are putting into the evironment genetic versions where the seeds are rendered sterile and will not germinate next year. So you have to buy new seeds from them. The problem IMO is that the natural spread of these genetic versions cannot be controlled and will spread so no one will be able to collect and replant usable seends. Scary stuff what they are monkeying with.

Are you telling me that the sterile seeds will spread and soon every single seed will be sterile?

Wouldn't you agree that a non-sterile natural seed would have a slight advantage in the game of natural selection?
I hope you're not referring to that fake French scientific report stating that GMOs cause cancer.

Until they conduct long-term human safety studies / trials for any GM shit, they can go fuck themselves. No reason to support them without any proof of safety
Until they conduct long-term human safety studies / trials for any GM shit, they can go fuck themselves. No reason to support them without any proof of safety

How about the millions of cows, chickens and other livestock that exclusively eat GMO corn and do not show signs of problems compared to previous generations?
Wow, definitely connected. And if that documentary is accurate, ruthless. Seems a matter of time before the seed base accoss the world is completely contaminated by their genetic engineered versions, because the natural spreading cannot be controlled, and they will own the means to produce food - So says the governments.

One part that jumped out at me in this documentary was how farmers collect seeds from this years harvest and replant them next year. Now these companies are putting into the evironment genetic versions where the seeds are rendered sterile and will not germinate next year. So you have to buy new seeds from them. The problem IMO is that the natural spread of these genetic versions cannot be controlled and will spread so no one will be able to collect and replant usable seends. Scary stuff what they are monkeying with.

People in non farming areas keep accepting the sterile seed thing as gospel. They don't exist (At least as of this time) even though many people seem to believe that all current hybrid/GMO Corn is sterile. In reality, GMO/Hybrid corn can actually be planted 3 or 4 years after harvest and still reproduce quite well.
Maybe you support them so that a bunch of people could make an extra buck, but it makes me hate humans when they are happy to destroy the environment just to make an extra buck.

Maybe fucking humans don't deserve a beautiful planet
How about the millions of cows, chickens and other livestock that exclusively eat GMO corn and do not show signs of problems compared to previous generations?

How do you know those animal products are safe for you in the long term unless any long-term study is conducted?

The same government which approves this GM shit approves those animal products too.. and I'm not even an anti-government guy
Can someone aware me quickly on why genetically modified plants should be bad for us or the environment?

If those modified plants survive better than their counterparts, I would say they deserve to win the evolutionary battle.

We humans have been doing this for thousands of years, its just the technology that has gotten better. Trying the best seed/breed is a good thing.
Can someone aware me quickly on why genetically modified plants should be bad for us or the environment?

If those modified plants survive better than their counterparts, I would say they deserve to win the evolutionary battle.

We humans have been doing this for thousands of years, its just the technology that has gotten better. Trying the best seed/breed is a good thing.

OK, first of all the Monsanto topic is WAY TOO HUGE to be fully discussed here at WF. Even in the STS section.

To catch you up to speed though.......

1.) Genetically Modified anything is NOT bad in and of itself. BUT, when it is controlled and MONOPOLIZED in such a way that NAZI BOOTJACK tactics are used to FORCE people into using them then it is HORRIBLY WRONG!!

Monsanto will/has sent their own Private "Enforcers" out to Independent Farmers who's farms have had Monsanto Seeds "BLOWN" onto their property and FORCED them to PAY for the crops.

It's also in the Pollination Processes. They have been able to Genetically PROVE that even Non-Seed Crops belong to Monsanto since BEES and other insects fly from Monsanto crops to non-Monsanto crops and pollinate them. Hence, putting Monsanto's PRODUCT/GENETIC MATERIAL on an independent farmers land.

2.) Genetically modified plants & animals "could" have long term effects that are NOT apparent to us at this time. We have had enough time with "some" of these things to have a good idea of what impact if any they will have. But not with the newer developments.

YES, they are working from the "known" base so theoretically they should hold to the data collected over the last 60 years or so. But....again...just one change at the atomic level can create a HUGE difference. So, CAUTION is the best practice which MONEY does NOT always like.

3.) You asked what HARM could come from the Genetically Modified Plants & Animals if they can survive better than the Natural things?

To start with, let's pause for a moment to consider "Sterile" Animal & Plant Products.

Let's say that Monsanto or some other company is putting out One or even Four Generation seeds & plants. This means that when the time frame is up that you MUST go to them for more.

Now, if those plant's Pollen happen to get carried to the Natural "Fertile" plants around them and it get's into the Natural Eco System.....it will only be a matter of TIME before all plants become either completely sterile or generationally stunted.

This does NOT bode well in the long term. It's GREAT short term for the companies to make money.

But, if....let's say that after time has passed (Not to be worried about in OUR lifetimes.) that all Food Plants & Farm Animals have become sterile or generationally stunted and something were to happen that renders our ELECTRICITY useless on the planet. Humans would be FUCKED ROYALLY.

This would be due the dependance on the TECHNOLOGY needed to create new plants and animals being inaccessible to us.

Without the Genetic Mutations having been introduced into the Natural Eco System that sterilize or limit reproduction the plants & animals would continue to thrive and reproduce and we would continue to have our food source and materials needed for shelter, clothing and tools.

No need for electricity.

I know, this all sounds like the Doomsday Prepper Stuff. But these are real LONG TERM concerns about this technology.

4.) Genetically Modified Animals and Plants "CAN" actually be BETTER than natural counterparts.

But companies like Monsanto are out to make a profit and PROTECT their INVESTMENT. So, by creating one to four generation products they are creating the possibility of altering the the self replicating Natural System on our planet.

There is NO WAY to contain the Plant Cross Pollination. They can have more control over the Animal Genetics though. But this too "could" get out of there hands like the Plants have already done.

5.) DDT was once thought of as a WONDER CHEMICAL for controlling insects. It was used in the US up until 1972 and is still being used in other parts of the world.

If you go to the EPA link I put above, you'll see that the US is still having problems with it due to those other countries and atmospheric dispersion.

DDT had devastating affects on the Eco System. Especially to Birds and their egg shells causing uncountable still births and deformities in the bird populations.

On a Personal Note, I grew up In Georgia and in the summers "The Bug Man" would drive through our neighborhood in a small truck with a big box on the back that would spray out a Thick Huge White Cloud of DDT in order to control the Mosquitos.

Myself and the other kids in the area would get on our bikes and ride RIGHT BEHIND THAT THING and thought it was Cool to be riding in that thick white smoke. Even our Parents thought nothing of it.

HURR FUCKING DHURR now days to think about. Maybe that's why I'm BALD NOW!!! ROFLMFAO!!

This is but one example of the MANY "Mistakes" Humans have made over the years when using New Technologies to try and Improve our lives.

Anywho, I know this wasn't QUICK, but it is "Infinitesimally Miniscule" on this subject.
How about the millions of cows, chickens and other livestock that exclusively eat GMO corn and do not show signs of problems compared to previous generations?

Wait, what? Millions of factory-farmed animals die every year before they get a chance to become food. Disease and disorder are rampant, and even the ones that are rescued and brought into shelters frequently have extreme health problems. Most live a fraction of the normal lifespan for their species.

Granted, part of the problem is selective breeding of the animals (to be leaner, to lay more eggs, to have bigger breasts, etc.) - but you can't very well say they're healthy. Animals drop dead left and right on farms for a ton of different reasons.

Also consider that the animals have extremely short lifespans, with most meat animals going to slaughter in their adolescence (generally 6 months - 2 years, depending on the animal). Eating something for decades is a lot different than eating it for a year or two before going to slaughter.
How about the millions of cows, chickens and other livestock that exclusively eat GMO corn and do not show signs of problems compared to previous generations?

There are many reports from farmers stating that GMO feed causes problems. It is all anecdotal evidence, as farmers don't have the right resources to conduct proper studies. However, when several farmers report the same thing, it is worth noting.
There are many reports from farmers stating that GMO feed causes problems. It is all anecdotal evidence, as farmers don't have the right resources to conduct proper studies. However, when several farmers report the same thing, it is worth noting.

If that is true... why do they choose to buy them? Unless there is some real mafia shit involved, the upsides must outweigh the downsides for the farmers.
If that is true... why do they choose to buy them? Unless there is some real mafia shit involved, the upsides must outweigh the downsides for the farmers.

My understanding is, they do it for the same reason they farm animals on a massive scale.

They choose short term benefits vs long term sustainability