Data Sales - Email/Phone/Postal - payday, credit repair, bizopp & more

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Do you still have the $10 review offer open?

10$ review is open all the time. i got leads 24/7 comign in, this sale *never* ends. i let u test stuff if u want before making big buys.
I'll take a review if you have it if not PM me your skype. Will buy volume if good.
just do PM or email me.
Hey I just want to buy a 1k data for 10$ would you like contact with me ?
think we already made deal on email :) enjoy!
ope nfor orders and guys - just PM me. theres so many PMs and emails i may sometiems overlook an order [but never overlook a paid order!].

so far i gave everybody data within less than 20mins from payment.
Just confirming data has been received. And is currently in process.

igl00 is super helpful and generally a good guy with his deals.

From the looks of the first batch the data looks good. Will report back when the entire batch is processed.
open for more and owudl be great if other peopel also posted after orderign and receiving ;)
but seems many want to stay ninja! i can take it!

Can anyone who has bought the data vouch for the quality in data? Is it converting, opening, clickers, hard bounces?
Check your PM please, would like to test this.

replied. good questions ;)
Can anyone who has bought the data vouch for the quality in data? Is it converting, opening, clickers, hard bounces?

peopel took review copies of 1k but i actually didnt make a rule telling them to write reviews, so.. well my bad. from now on its on like that.

there is few guys here who ordered big packages few times for emails, and there is 1 callcenter using my phones. id say.. you have to see for yourself.
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