Das Keyboard FTW


New member
Feb 5, 2010
Just got a Das keyboard with browns. I really like it. You feel the key when it fires, but it's not stupid loud!

Quite happy with this keyboard might keep it around for a while. Reminds me so much of the old IBM keyboards from back in the day... talking the ones with the huge connector (pre PS2).

If anyone is in the market for a nice mechanical keyboard DAS is a nice choice I must say...

[ame="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008PFDUW2/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00"]Amazon.com: Das Keyboard Model S Professional Soft Pressure Point Mechanical Keyboard (DASK3MKPROSIL): Computers & Accessories[/ame]
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Welcome to the mechanical keyboard revolution! There have been a few threads on it already.
I know in another thread you had talked about trying a mechanical keyboard out Ben did you ever do it?
How do you concentrate with all that racket? Apple keyboard FTW fast, accurate, quiet
I went from the Logitech soft keys keyboard to this das Professional Model S also soft keys and it's not very loud at all.
I know in another thread you had talked about trying a mechanical keyboard out Ben did you ever do it?

No, it has to be ergonomic :( the only one I found was this $250 one and it's not worth that price just to "try" (truly ergonomic was the name I believe).

Mechanicals are excellent if you don't need the ergonomic aspect though :)
Got the same one with the blue switches. It's amazing how a nice keyboard can make your day more pleasant.
I have the Zowie Celeritas. Wanted to have a Filco, but at the time you couldn't get one anywhere. It's so fkin awesome...
I bought the Das Ultimate Silent not too long ago and due to a mishap I ended up getting it for $90 instead of $110.

Using crappy laptop keyboard on 750words.com


Using Das

Browns ftw. If I lived alone I would 100% go blues though.

Welcome to the mechanical keyboard revolution! There have been a few threads on it already.

If someone made a good ergonomically one I would probably try it. But really we are talking about a keyboard, and I highly doubt it makes that much of a difference that it's worth the price. The occasional missed letter means you probably just means you're not as good at typing as you think, we all make mistakes and some keyboard isn't going to solve that.

Browns ftw. If I lived alone I would 100% go blues though.

I did have my suspicions when I heard they where being marketed as a device that would magically make you type faster / more accurate. I did buy one to test my theory, and I created a speed typing thread and posted I did not notice any better typing speed / accuracy vs an Microsoft 4000 ergo and a standard bubble keyboard (in fact I tended to have a slightly faster speed on a standard.) I really don't think there is any merit to that aspect.

So I think you're taking it out of context. Haters going to hate. Whatever floats your boat man.

I own one (brown), I use it every day, and I recommend them to anyone even the ergo guys. I use to have to use an ergo because of my wrists, but as I found out it's a lot easier to type on a mechanical. It takes less pressure to trigger the key which means you don't spend as much time mashing on it. A lot of ergo guys like Ben are hesitant to spend the money on one, which I think is a little stupid. Go down to Best Buy, they have some razor gaming ones, use it for a week or two, if you don't like it return it.

Sorry for the noobness but what is this browns/blues thing you guys are talking about?

Everything you need to know:
Mechanical Keyboard Guide
Ok, ok, ok. I'll splurge. I just ordered one thanks to nickCR. This will be my present for myself.

You guys really know what I like.

I just got cherry blue's :) Thanks WF, you make me better.
[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Das-Keyboard-Ultimate-Tactile-Mechanical/dp/B003M4XGI4/]Amazon.com: Das Keyboard Model S Ultimate Soft Tactile Mechanical Keyboard: Computers & Accessories[/ame]

The blue one.

Since I spent $$ on a good bed and chair, I really learned that the things you use most, you shouldn't be cheap with. I tend to be a cheap shit, since I like to have assets, not luxuries. This isn't a luxury though, it is a business efficiency improvement expense. Plus it is that time of year, so any expenses I rack up this month will work to offset what I'll be paying my uncle soon.
^^ I can tell you it is.

For example, the apple mouse is a POS. I bought a mouse that fit my hand and had a few extra buttons and it seemed to improve a lot of what I did with the macro functions it had, plus my CT started to improve as well. Worked for me