my girlfriend texted me recently and the converstaion went something like this:

friend: hey, how are u

me: good. horny.


MEANT to say "good. how r u"

she did not respond for obvious reasons.

stupid auto-correct.
i put the word "cunt" in my phones dictionary because i used it once. ended up being autocorrected to my mom
OMG I have so many of these. Sneaky fast texts to other teachers during the day result in some funny shit. The best one was when I typed out a quick note to a client first thing in the morning that made no sense at all thanks to autocorrect. At least it was gibberish - nothing horrifying, and he understood completely. He has an iPhone, too.

Speaking of which, do y'all know about Circuit City's sale? Apparently trading in the old iPhone will give you a new one (16 GB, I believe) for $24. Not bad if you're holding on the old one.