DA82+ Boss Level Links

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The Kwisatz Haderach
Jul 26, 2010
Rating - 100%
137   0   0
Guess who’s back with another great link opportunity for your most cherished and superb authority white hat sites?

If you’ll recall, once upon a time the first Boss Level Links offer dropped and sold out in record time… about 2.5 Hours! That’s because there are plenty of people who understand the value of these types of links. I apologize to anyone who just wasn’t at their computer at the time of launch. That’s just how fast this goes!

This is a completely different site than last time!

Let me reiterate from the last thread why I’m sharing these wonderful deals instead of keeping them for myself:

1) I’m the White Hat King and I want everyone to know it.
2) Making these connections requires an insane amount of groundwork that most people don’t even know how to get started with. Gaining access can be near impossible, but that doesn't mean you don’t deserve the links! I got you covered.
3) The first time I told you guys to be wary of snakes in the grass. Since then, I’ve seen about four or five more sellers come and go from Wickedfire and straight up steal from buyers. It pisses me off to no end. This is my way of balancing good and evil and accruing some good seo karma.

To anyone who didn’t get in the first time, this is for you.
To anyone who has been ripped off by shitty providers here, this is for you. It’s a guaranteed deal.
To anyone who wants and needs bomb-ass links but can’t afford it from other rip-off providers, this is for you.

Again, here is the deal. This thread will close in 10 days. That’s it. Once the thread goes down, the deal is over… this is limited to THIS THREAD ONLY. (It only lasted 2.5 Hours last time!)

So there’s your time constraint.

This is also going to be limited to 15 orders only! First come, first serve. The order form will be closed after 15 orders.

There’s your quantity parameters.

Here come your quality limitations, because I’m not about to risk the years of footwork it takes to gain a reputation and connections it takes just to open a conversation with the editors of these sites. They definitely aren’t going to stake their claim on anyone who tries to let any bullshit slide. Please don’t test me, cause it ain’t gonna happen. With that being said…

The Following Will Result in an Immediate Refund:
  • Don’t buy for a crappy MFA site.
  • Don't buy for Pharma or “Legit Research Chemicals”
  • Don’t buy for Porn or Sexual Sites. Dating is likely going to get the reject stamp.
  • Don’t buy for Casino or Gambling sites.
  • Don't’ buy for your ugly ass site you didn’t take the time to design properly.
  • Don’t buy for your brand new site that doesn't have any content populating it.
  • Don’t buy for anything that you aren’t 150% proud of. You know if it’s good enough.

So let me bust out some stats so you guys know what you are looking at here…

  • Dmoz Listed
  • Yahoo Directory Listed
  • DA ~82
  • PA ~84
  • PR 6 (Probably PR 7 or 8 if they’d update it!)
  • Just under 9 Years Old
  • 350,000+ Backlinks
  • 16,000+ Referring Domains
  • ~1000 EDU Links
  • ~75 Gov Links
  • An insane amount of Social Activity on all the main platforms…

That’s the real deal right there. That’s a 100% legit, big boy site.

An Important Detail:

This is a DO-FOLLOW link! I’m not going to open the can of worms, and I’d appreciate it if the knuckleheads among us won’t start a debate in the thread. Take it to mean what you think it means. But this is a DO-FOLLOW link! The kind we know without question is dat shit, ya know what I’m saying?

What Else You’ll Want to Know:
  • These links are permanent!
  • PR 6 is the homepage. Your blog post will flow through a section of the site that is PR5. Your post won’t feature an image, no more than most newspaper articles do.
  • Your post will feature at least one if not more authority outbound links.
  • Your post will be around 500-700 words in length.
  • These are not hacked, not black hat, nothing shady. A trusted editorialist is putting his stamp of approval on your site!
  • Your link will be posted on the TOP LEVEL DOMAIN. No sneaky subdomain crap. URL structure wise, it's as close to the homepage as everything else is.
  • I cannot guarantee that I can use the anchors you send in. If there's a problem, I'll have to amend the anchor myself but will try to do the best I can to keep it close to your vision. Some super-long URL anchors will have to get converted to generic anchors, etc. I'm sure you guys understand the care that has to be taken here.
So here’s my interpretation of this kind of link… There’s a theory that I don’t prescribe to but it makes a lot of sense either way. People think there is a set of “Seed Sites” that Google said “okay, these are the bomb, make them the top dog sites. I think it’s based on backlinks, but either way, they are truly the top sites. We are talking sites like Google, Facebook, Twitter, The White House, Wikipedia, Etc. They are at the top of the Page Rank scale. So the fewer steps you can create between these top dog sites and your site, the more authoritative your site is in Google’s eyes, right?

Page Rank juice, trust juice, authority juice, and any kind of juice you can imagine is coming out of the Google clouds and raining down on these sites at the top of the mountain. They are soaking it in and letting all the run off trickle down to the rest of the internet universe lower down the mountain. What this link is doing is putting you higher up the Page Rank Mountain. You are getting cleaner juice, fresher and more authoritative juice that’s not contaminated by a million other link neighborhoods, etc. Just organic, google-filtered, delicious page rank drinking water.

I put on my snow shoes, snagged up my ice pick and ropes and made the climb. Now I’m sending an elevator down to scoop you up. Will you climb in?

Other Hints besides a solid boost to your site:

1. Reputation Management?
2. Rank It and Siphon Traffic?
3. Social Validation?
4. Big Brand Status?

All of the above can make you money hand over fist. Don’t wait around because this is a…


Get on it, and get on it now. Last time it sold out in 2.5 Hours. Pull the trigger now, because others are, guaranteed.

Go to the Order Form Here: CLICK HERE ←---

Things to Remember:
The Turn Around Time is anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks. These have to be dripped in.
PM me or Post with any questions.
All Sales are Guaranteed. You get your link or you get your money back. Zero games played. You know my reputation.
Hesitation and Fear is for peasants. Bosses move forward.
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ordered for brand site in my sig, let me know if its up to scratch. Already getting attention from technical analysis traders and its a long term project now.

EDIT: design could use a bit of work I know, BlogHue is working on this for me ATM
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You know this gon' be good cause it's from the hobbster. Must have!
Well Folks...

9 are gone! That leaves 7 left, but two people have laid claim for tonight, so that means really there are only 5 left...

That's right...

Only 5 Left!

You snooze you lose!


We oversold by a slight amount. You clever bastards got me while I was asleep. You knew I had to sleep at some point! I'm going to honor these few extras, but please realize that it might tack on a small amount of time on the turn-around-time, because we do have to drip these in. Otherwise we should be good to go!

Thanks everyone! Congrats on scoring another awesome link opportunity from BOSS LEVEL LINKS!
I just issued more refunds in one hour than I ever have in my entire life.

A couple of you guys simply ordered for a site that wasn't in Engish, but the designs and niches were fine. Sorry guys, I wish I could have made it work out. Sorry I didn't mention that in the opening post.

The other guys who got refunded, you obviously didn't read the portion of the OP where I told you what would result in an immediate refund.

I'll come back and mention if all these refunds result in there being another opening or not. Until then!
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