"D" Students Make More Money

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It's simple. If you're in college, you either spend time studying, and get As, or your spend that time building your business.
It's almost impossible to be successful at both.
I'm a B/C student, and I don't regret skipping class to set up campaigns.

Disagreed entirely. A lot(or even most) of personalities are just not cut out for it.

Hello friend,

I agree with you. Some people only good for follow order. If no give them order specific they no know what do. Those people work for other because if work for self they no know what to do.

Get good grade no mean you be good entrepenuer. Get good grade mean you work hard or good at follow order of teacher or good at learn what book and teacher teach you. Or maybe good at cheat but that story of another.

When be entrepeneur no one give you order to follow or tell you what to learn. You have know self. You have be able to learn by self if be good entrepeneur. No teacher or book to tell if you do right or wrong.

Good luck bros
By and large, most of my high school peers(the ones who went to school) have just said "fuck it" and went into teaching. 1 Doctor, 1 dentist, 1 accountant, 2 lawyers and a shit ton of retail managers. The ones who are banking inherited a place inside of their father's business.
Hello friend,

I agree with you. Some people only good for follow order. If no give them order specific they no know what do. Those people work for other because if work for self they no know what to do.

Get good grade no mean you be good entrepenuer. Get good grade mean you work hard or good at follow order of teacher or good at learn what book and teacher teach you. Or maybe good at cheat but that story of another.

When be entrepeneur no one give you order to follow or tell you what to learn. You have know self. You have be able to learn by self if be good entrepeneur. No teacher or book to tell if you do right or wrong.

Good luck bros

erm... good point..

i still hate you

Good luck bros (dammit)
Hello friend,

I agree with you. Some people only good for follow order. If no give them order specific they no know what do. Those people work for other because if work for self they no know what to do.

Get good grade no mean you be good entrepenuer. Get good grade mean you work hard or good at follow order of teacher or good at learn what book and teacher teach you. Or maybe good at cheat but that story of another.

When be entrepeneur no one give you order to follow or tell you what to learn. You have know self. You have be able to learn by self if be good entrepeneur. No teacher or book to tell if you do right or wrong.

Good luck bros

I agree with that! School and collage teach you how to learn but real life experiences teach you how to think.

Nearly all of the well educated people I know (doctors, teachers, lawyers etc) are very brainy but completely clueless when it comes to doing simple practical things!
A student in highschool, even though I was bone idle.
Wasn't challenging enough, made me fucking lazy, and here I am, still being fucking lazy and financially worse off than I could be if I just got my shit together and did something with myself to make my work a lot more efficient and productive than it is. I spend the gross majority of my time absorbing scientific and computer journals.

But hey, I've got all of the things in life that I actually need, and most of the things I want... so do I really need to work that much harder to get things I'll then not even have the time to enjoy? Not really.
I think there are two kinds of D students - and I have an inside scoop on this one. There are D students who simply can't earn a higher grade due to intelligence or life factors (such as moving a lot and missing a great deal of background information) and then there are the D students who are simply unmotivated in certain areas, but highly capable.

I was a D student only one time in the second part of Engineering Calculus in college, but that's a different story. I've always been an A/B student because I played the game well enough to get by. I did all the right things like testing out of 18 hours of college, doing a "powerful" business degree, etc... It was easy - in fact, even the Masters was so easy, I'm thinking of a Doctorate. I like learning, and the higher you go in education the more choice you have in what you want to study.

But despite all that, I left two very well-paid careers to become a teacher for altruistic reasons, so I don't fit the mold on this one. But I can say I'm the only teacher in my building who is at risk of being one of Obama's "rich" American households making $250,000 or more per year.
High school is good for teenage poontang and drugs -- anyone striving for good grades missed the point.
Thats very interesting I never thought about it like that. All through gradeschool i was a C and D student (mostly D's). It wasn't until college that I got any sort of good grades. Same with my business partner. Its always been a running saying with us every time our business reaches some milestone or does super good that D students like us shouldn't be able to accomplish what we somehow manage to accomplish year after year. It puts a new perspective on it when you think about the possibility of us not reaching to the level we did, had we of been A students.
I don't think the point was that most D Students are successful Entrepreneurs, it's that Most successful Entrepreneurs are D students. (I'm not necessarily agreeing with the statement I'm just clarifying it) There's a huge difference between the two.

I proudly carried a 1.78 gpa in highschool. I was proud because for the classes that I loved I worked hard in and the rest (which was a lot) I couldn't be arsed. I thought most of it was for a bunch of sheep (even back then I was convinced it was a giant kool aid tank) And yes I'm making more money than most of the A students that I knew.

I couldnt agree more. I think that people who work hard to get only A's are born employees. While I, when at school, don't really care about my grades as long as I get through since I want to employ myself, not get employed.

No one is really "born" as entrepreneur. You just have to be born with some intelligence. For me, it's been a bunch of observations and life experiences who made me who I am and made me want to get my own company.
I was a top student in high school. Did zero work and came out top student in my grade, 8-12.

University came, I still did no schoolwork and got As, Bs and Cs mostly. I make more than my peers. A lot more.
I think D and C students become immune to obstacles and failing - since they had to deal with it all their lives. Failing and continuing forward is a huge part of the entrepreneurial spirit. Most A students are used to acceptance so they cant handle rejection well - that's why a nice safe job is a prime choice.

Dont want to brag - just to make a point here.
Not the best student my self - only in things that interested me. But I already had a house and a BMW by 24. It was hard at first, I was way to young and had to handle lots of rejection. Now I'm growing, and thankful to be in the states with so many opportunities.
i pulled grades from F's to A's depending on the class and teacher, but in college it got a 3.2 GPA (but my major was Auto Tech)

Very academically bright kids are often not so good at practical things. And most of the intellectual people I know spend far too much time thinking about things and not enough taking action to make money.

My other half is a scientist, and she won't employ the very top students - she says they are often useless at doing anything other than exams in her experience.
This is actually something I just though of today.
Having recently just gotten into affiliate marketing, I've spend more time learning this then I have ever spent learning anything.

At the end of it all, the knowledge I have crammed in my head in the past month, has more earning potential then anything I have ever learn in my 3 years of college, high school, or anywhere else.

Then again, that's just me, and one thing we all know, everyone is different.
If having a D is an indication that you're bored with the topic at hand and your mind wanders off to other things of value to you, then I guess you could say that you are more creative than other people and have interests that expand beyond the classroom. Which is a condition to be successful as an entrepreneur, if you manage to pursue those interests of yours thoroughly and with more determination than you followed classes.

If you have Ds because you don't understand what the hell your teacher is talking about, that's a whole other context. That won't necessarily make you a good entrepreneur.
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