"D" Students Make More Money

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New member
Aug 21, 2007
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWjwhqWXKFE]YouTube - "D" Students Make More Money[/ame]

Now the question that I have is that: Are you a "D" student and do you make more money than your peers?

Stopped that video right quick. What the hell is that? Posting this and the will smith video, looking for some motivation?
They're made? I'm not sure about this...heheheh..Honestly I'm A-B student in college but built in with business minded. I do prefer to work for myself rather than pay day cheque.

So, either your're good or not at college, it can't be a grade to judge your business life.
B student. I make more than my high school peers and less than my college peers (at the 9-5)...haven't jumped on the entrepreneurial bandwagon quite yet
Disagreed with me or her?

Some personalites are not cut out for it, you're right, but that generalization is so false.

98% of the bad students at my high school are still living at home and not making a damn thing of themselves.

98% of "Bad Students" Huh? Where was this statistic taken from?
I don't think the point was that most D Students are successful Entrepreneurs, it's that Most successful Entrepreneurs are D students. (I'm not necessarily agreeing with the statement I'm just clarifying it) There's a huge difference between the two.

I proudly carried a 1.78 gpa in highschool. I was proud because for the classes that I loved I worked hard in and the rest (which was a lot) I couldn't be arsed. I thought most of it was for a bunch of sheep (even back then I was convinced it was a giant kool aid tank) And yes I'm making more money than most of the A students that I knew.
I don't think the point was that most D Students are successful Entrepreneurs, it's that Most successful Entrepreneurs are D students. (I'm not necessarily agreeing with the statement I'm just clarifying it) There's a huge difference between the two.

I don't know if I agree with the clarified statement either, but phrasing it that way makes it MUCH more viable.

The successful entrepreneurs that I know were not D students by any means.
I don't think the point was that most D Students are successful Entrepreneurs, it's that Most successful Entrepreneurs are D students. (I'm not necessarily agreeing with the statement I'm just clarifying it) There's a huge difference between the two.

That's what I got out of it. And there are always exceptions to the rules. Don't use this shit to justify the fact that you're half-assing something.
I recently dropped out of college (was a Senior), my grades sucked because I had zero motivation because I know I will be fine without relying on a silly degree (plus I was a Poli Sci major and doing it just for the experience) I was a 4.0 student up until High School when I discovered the internet.. gaming.. more important things ;)
I was a solid C+ student in high school who refused to do any homework and got by basically on test scores. Since I make double what anyone I know right now makes I would assume I make more than most anyone I went to school with. And while they are worried about losing their jobs I'm giving myself raises of 30%+ each year.

School doesn't mean shit.
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