CSS vs. Tables

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
For you layout experts out there.
Working with tables sems a bit easier but the idea of using CSS and having less code on a page makes sense.
Are most browsers in use now ok with CSS?
Is there that much advantage to not using tables for layout?

using tables is only easier because that's what you learned first. If you invest some time I bet you will find (like many have) that you can do fix faster with CSS, you code will make more sense, and thare are less boundaries to how you can shape your content.

Sure most browsers are ok with CSS, some are just a little cripple, ie mainly, but you'll learn to work with that as you go.

The main advantage is that you will develop a more productive way of coding sites.
I can do tables a lot faster than CSS, so i use it when i'm lazy. eg when I'm layin out my news section.
Tables drive me crazy! But admit to using them because I don't have CSS down 100%... I really gotta finish that CSS book.
CSS for speed, tables when css doesn't quite work (browser support isn't really 100% there for all things)
Starting a CSS template from scratch sucks, but once you've build up a few layouts you can go back and pull pieces from your old stuff. Right now I can put together a "new" layout within 3-4 minutes with new colors and graphics. Another 10 or 15 and the site has a logo too.
I use tables still... My css knowledge is VERY limited, and I dont want to put in the time to learn right now.
I can't stand using tables; just because I've used CSS for so long.
I usually just fake using tables now.

Like using inline lists and stuff.
Kind of ironic, cause I used to use tables for layout and that was improper to do, and now I use CSS for table sand that's improper ;)
I go for CSS since I find it flexible, I mean it will be tiring at first to build it but once you get the grip of it and once it's finished you can change the style etc faster and easier. I don't like looking at table's code, they made my eyes blind.
I used tables when I first started because it seemed easier. One site and I started switching over to pure CSS. It took a bit of learning, especially with some of the cross browser differences, but I think its well worth it. You have a lot more flexibility and control with pure CSS
Trying to use CSS 100% unless something outside of the clients relms means we have to take drastic steps backwards.
Tables are still easier for me. I have a Wordpress template that is pre CSS and I wanted to change something in it, but couldn't get the hang of the CSS, so I ended up just going with a table.
Tables are easy but CSS allows you to do so much more than tables ever could.

Tables have their place though - for displaying tabular data. CSS should always be ther first thought in layout design though.
WallaceCleaver said:
Tables are still easier for me. I have a Wordpress template that is pre CSS and I wanted to change something in it, but couldn't get the hang of the CSS, so I ended up just going with a table.
It's tough at first, but trust me... and everybody else that posted in this thread. It's well worth suffering the learning curve. It's worth it in saved bandwidth alone... but there are soooo many other benifits. Once you get the hang of it, you'll dispise tables.
doesn't really matter.... tables are like the easy way specially if your using HTML editors.. also CSS are mostly used for text, buttons and other various things. they are not really for making templates.. its just like a simple tool for you to use to simplify your codes.. so it won't mix up.
I was reluctant to learn css for quite some time after learning about it, but now all my sites are css based and I even redesigned the older ones.
I still use tables a lot because I'm old skool. If you want to learn the basics like I did I would highly recommend going to W3 Schools and learning, CSS makes it a lot easier to change the layout of a group of pages or even a whole website by only changing a couple of lines of code in a *.css file. If you Gzip your CSS code you can save tons of bandwidth and money and (loading) time.http://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp
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