CSS Freeze - Round 2! - Number One Ranks Frozen in Place!

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The Kwisatz Haderach
Jul 26, 2010
Rating - 100%
137   0   0

*clears throat*

“First off, let’s skip the bullshit and get straight to it.”

Lol Wat?

Let me tell you what that really means in Peasant-Speak…


There ain’t no bullshit to cut. Either a man is going to take the time, money, and energy to do things right, or he’s going to dick you around throughout the entire process.


I want that to be the first thing you realize. I do shit right. Look at that bomb ass sales image. THAT is a reflection of the CSS Freeze website, the content I produce for you, the power of the links I’m placing for you, my work ethic, my quality standard, and my stance on ZERO SLACK-ASS NONSENSE ALLOWED.

But I digress, because most of you guys and gals already know this.

“thehobbster” is synonymous with:
  • Trust and Ethics
  • Authority and Juice
  • Quality Assurance
  • Customer Service

Some of the new folks may not know though. It’s been a little while since I’ve launched something for my peeps. They need more than my word, which is why I’ve reached out to Droplister (Site Flipping King) and Broland (Local SEO Monster), two highly respected members of our community to let you know the deal.

Here’s what they said:

“I don’t care what it is. If thehobbster is slinging it, I’m buying it. He’s got the juice and provides the rankings every time, for me, my clients, and YOU…”

“Sometimes you get a link you’re proud of, a link you can show off to EVERYBODY, a link that will survive ALL algorithm updates… This is one of those links.”

I don’t wanna take away from the black hat bosses in the BST that are killing it with the rankings. They are awesome and serve a specific purpose. I serve a different purpose. I’m not the churn and burn guy. I’m the guy you talk to when you have 30 clients who all need some solid links this month. I’m the guy you talk to when you have 5 authority sites of your own that need some killer results that don’t come with a penalty risk. I’ve got clean links on powerful domains in clean neighborhoods.

This new CSS Freeze offer is no different.

Niche North, CSS Breeze, Logo Stone, CSS Shine, Liquid Rainbow… I’ve been slaying it for myself and many others for a long time here at Wickedfire. Nothing’s changing. I’m back at it again, and this is your chance to get involved.

Let’s look at some stats real quick:
  • DA ~35
  • PA ~45
  • Age 7+
  • PR 3

You know what that represents? A normal ass powerful link out in the wild on a real site. It’s not propped up by spam. I don’t allow shady niches. It’s loaded with 100+ articles as it is, linking out to clean neighborhoods of all types. Your site will feel right at home, and the big bad wolf won’t even sneeze in this direction, let alone sniff a thing.

The agency guys know. The respected SEO guys know. And you know. (You new folks are about to find out!)

Package Description:

Here’s the deal. Normal packages get a “site profile” (sorry if that’s vague, but dem copycats…) that features several types of homepage links and anchored inner page links. We are talking AROUND five links per profile. All posts roll on the homepage. You can sticky that bitch if you’d like. Or better yet, enjoy a fat sitewide that is completely natural with a branded link. But beware, the nicer stuff is super limited and will go quick, so pull the trigger if you have the slightest inkling that’s what your site wants to eat for dinner, otherwise you’ll mourn the loss and wallow in regret, because this type of shit doesn't come around often (basically whenever you see a thehobbster thread).

Ask around, mayne. It’s ya boi.

<<< CLICK HERE! >>>
P.S. Bosses move forward, Peasants hesitate.

After you’re done there, feel free to take a looksee at my next post below and check out the Omniboss collection, which is a taste of the offers I currently have available. If the order form is live, you can order! Otherwise, oh well. That’s why you have to get while the gettin’s good!

<<< CSS Freeze Your Site into #1 Today >>>
P.P.S. Bosses live in abundance. Peasants live in fear.

</ drops the mic >

From the King that changed the face of Internet Marketing forever with concepts like "Niche Specific Networks" and "Minimal SEO" comes…

- Click Each Banner to Learn More -
If the Order Form is Live, then You Can Order!

- Click Each Banner to Learn More -
If the Order Form is Live, then You Can Order!

Very happy with this - Thanks Jared. Does make me regret all the money I spent over at BHW though...
If you guys liked the first CSS site, then you'll love this one. Legit link that provides legit results. GET ON THAT HOBBSTA DICK.
Thanks for your review, vikingred!

100 hundo percent positive ratings, all day every day.

Basically, if you have read this thread, have a worthy website for your business or that is your business, and you haven't purchased this package... you're sabotaging yourself, plain and simple. It's like me handing you a coupon for +rankings and you just shake your head and be like "nah, don't want." Makes no sense.
Thanks, Chupin ^

Also, someone else ordered another big boy package, which leaves at the following talley...

ONLY 1 Sticky Left!

ONLY 2 Sitewide Left!

3 more people get super juice from a legit website. Will it be you?

If you aren't taking massive action to ensure your website wins, then how do you expect to win?

Big props to every single person who has ordered. Sad face at the rest of you. Fear and Mediocrity is a bitch. Winning is awesome.
Thanks for the weekend orders! Great turn out, I appreciate it. Everything will be in the work flow within a couple of hours and we'll be rocking and rolling throughout the week. Everyday I'm hustling. Massive action.
Treat your site to 100,000 contextual McDouble Spam Patties (w/ secret sauce)...

...or to a perfectly cooked, medium-rare, 16 oz New York sirloin marinated in the finest herbs and presented beautifully with the most amazing garnish and your choice of the most delicious steak sauce known to man.

Dunno about you, but I treat my sites like I treat Google. I feed them the best, gain their trust and make them understand that I'm the authority. I never have to harass them with in-secure, nagging spam talk or spread rumors/links all around town about how important I am.

I suggest you do the same, and start with CSS Freeze. You're going to be very surprised with how little effort it truly takes to rank when you do it right. Other sites see you coming and simply step out of your way. They can't compete and know they don't even want to try. All the while Google is hanging off your arm like the sweet lil bitch she is.
Popping in to let everyone know I'm present and the gears are churning as always! Feel free to order if you haven't, and everyone who has and hasn't received a report yet... they's-a comin'!
All I can say is WOW. My boy Jared slinging some of the strongest and CLEANEST links on the interwebs. Strongest link on my new client's profile.

Thank you sir ;)
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