Crazy Stats from MSN Adcenter?

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Holy shit! One of my campaigns spent $1,356.59 yesterday with an CPC of $64.60 !!!!!! (set up for max of $0.10) This campaign usually spends $6/day.

Do you think they will get it fixed for everyone, or do thousands of us need to call in?

They can't control their system. Bastards! » AdCenter sucks III - I hate you M$
Argh just checked my other account and I had one campaign running with 4.50$ cpc :(
I really don't feel like sending a complaint since I signed up with fake adress and phone number and you have to enter your phone number in the contact us form. :/
Luckily I didn't get many clicks for that campaign and I'm using coupons anyway but I paused all my campaigns.
Argh just checked my other account and I had one campaign running with 4.50$ cpc :(
I really don't feel like sending a complaint since I signed up with fake adress and phone number and you have to enter your phone number in the contact us form. :/
Luckily I didn't get many clicks for that campaign and I'm using coupons anyway but I paused all my campaigns.

Wow, better be careful with this account then. What if they charge you $10,000 a click after you run out of the coupon credits?
Same thing here....
I have been on hold for 30 mins - listening to elevator music.
MSN really blew it on this one.
I am totally pissed off. Paused all compaigns. Don't want to spend hours on the phone with them right now since everyone is calling them.

The only good thing is I get very small percentage of traffic from them.

I guess "spread your eggs into serveral baskets" is a good advice for many things.

This is really fucked. Logged in this morning to find a $2,453 spend yesterday. Had some $80 clicks on words with a max CPC of .49. They are going to be losing a lot of customers today I bet.
I called again today, they still haven't solved it.

Everyone that is being affected and seeking a credit, listen up.

We need to make sure that they don't try to figure out our total spend for the day incorrectly. For Example...

They will try and either take Max CPC or your usual AVG CPC and multiply it by the number of clicks for the day. In my case it was:
Usual Day
Max CPC: .19
Avg CPC: .13
Avg Clicks: @550
Avg Daily Spend: @$75

Total Clicks: 787
Total Spend: 213.88
AVG CPC: .27

I had nearly the same number of impressions, but a higher click through rate, as my ads were showing up at a higher position. I am pushing for a charge of $75, my avg daily spend. I disagree with AVG CPC times number of clicks, because my clicks were inflated.

They fucked up, not us. We can't leave it to them to decide the solution of what to do about how much money to refund. Do not let them charge us MAX CPC times total clicks. We should be able to get charged avg daily spending. If they lose money, tough shit. If they do it their way, they will multiply MAX CPC times total clicks. If that's the case, my charge will be:

.19 x 787 = $149.53

Sure, that's less than $213.88, but in comparison to my usual $75, that's double. Now remember, they dropped the ball, but if they use this equation across the board for everyone, they will essentially make DOUBLE THE REVENUE on a day when they fucked up. We can't let them screw us out of our money.

I also converted much less than a normal day, even with the inflation in the number of clicks.
Dammit... me too. Spent $255 yesterday at around $2/click when I usually spend about $40. At leas it's not as bad as some, but still, shit.

I just called them, and they've added a message to their automated answering service saying that they're aware of the issue with higher-than-normal cost per click and they're working to resolve it. I'm not going to wait around on hold forever to talk to someone... hopefully they'll get it sorted out.
Btw, get some money back from them by pausing your campaigns for a couple hours, resuming them and then pausing them again. I've been getting free traffic from them since I've paused my campaigns. Can't get a better ROI.
My account seems fixed too for yesterday's clicks. Account balance is not fixed yet. I guess that is only updated once a day.
This means that those who accidently got the top spots in adcenter got there for pretty much free. Damn you all! :D
Still, this was a damn stupid bug or whatever. I lost 1 day of arbi/affiliate money because my campaigns were paused :(
I still don't trust them enough to resume the campaigns on my main account but the smaller one is running again.
This is still bullshit. They DID change my CPC back down to an average cost of .14. But they are claiming I got 518 clicks yesterday.

O RLY? Interesting that both my G Analytics and my CJ show a whooping 94 ad impressions yesterday. And I usually get a very small amount of organic traffic anyways.

Plus my Conversion rate? I MONSTER 0%. That's right absolutely NOTHING converted. This is on a campaign that does AT LEAST 2:1 daily, for months now.

Yes, MSN has a major issue right now...but really the primary issue is if you need to make a credit card payment as a result of this not whether they will issue credit. They will credit everyone back. Just pause your campaigns until it is resolved. If you ask, they will call or email you when it is fixed and I have always been called back about issues...their customer service for AdCenter is actually very good despite the system.

I have many $40+ clicks yesterday and spent $2000 in "waste" but that will all be credited back in the end. Microsoft will treat us all fair. If not, tell them so.

It is amazing that no one speaks of the amazing ROI that AdCenter has returned versus AdWords or YSM and the good things they do too - I guess that is not what this thread is about though - stupid me. Yes, the system is not optimal, but it does work, delivers high value traffic, and is a solid alternative to Google and Yahoo.

Once the issue is resolved, we will all see our money. Obviously it is a major glitch so it may take a few days to work out...even as they say it will be fast.

I do recommend pausing everything though as not to max out your credit cards. That is your #1 risk. Great thread to discuss the issue, but I would not worry about getting the credit back in fairness.
Yes, MSN has a major issue right now...but really the primary issue is if you need to make a credit card payment as a result of this not whether they will issue credit. They will credit everyone back. Just pause your campaigns until it is resolved. If you ask, they will call or email you when it is fixed and I have always been called back about issues...their customer service for AdCenter is actually very good despite the system.

I have many $40+ clicks yesterday and spent $2000 in "waste" but that will all be credited back in the end. Microsoft will treat us all fair. If not, tell them so.

It is amazing that no one speaks of the amazing ROI that AdCenter has returned versus AdWords or YSM and the good things they do too - I guess that is not what this thread is about though - stupid me. Yes, the system is not optimal, but it does work, delivers high value traffic, and is a solid alternative to Google and Yahoo.

Once the issue is resolved, we will all see our money. Obviously it is a major glitch so it may take a few days to work out...even as they say it will be fast.

I do recommend pausing everything though as not to max out your credit cards. That is your #1 risk. Great thread to discuss the issue, but I would not worry about getting the credit back in fairness.

So how long have you worked at MSN?
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