Crazy girlfriend

"Well, what am I supposed to do now? I've got your face tattooed on my arm!"

Reminds me of a friend of mine that was on active duty with me. He started fucking this girl just because of proximity and we were about to be deployed. 2 or 3 days before we left, she got his name tattooed over her boob (disgusting, IMO).

For an ENTIRE YEAR he got letters from her that ran the entire day it would be all "I love you!" and the next would be "I fucked 2 guys at once last night because I hate you!"

We all looked forward to those letters. They were funny as hell.
Auxiliary question... Why was this clown shelling out for this dingbat after a week anyway? I wouldn't be paying for some chicks tattoo after 1 week of dating no matter what it was!
I can't believe why does austin tries to use the picture of that tattoo and make it as his cover photo on his timeline? Crazy guy. I though he hates Sara for that? lol

This is Krislyn :D
I guess I'm the only one that's read this thread with ink on their body?

For the record, all fresh tattoos looks like someone used a sharpie.
fake or not, its scary to see how believable this is.... as some other intelligent WF member said a couple of days ago = bitches be crazy.