Craziest Product Sold on ebay

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New member
Feb 17, 2008
One of my friends listed and sold a 30 year old inground pool on ebay last week. The guy who bought it paid $1,000 and he had to also pay for the removal of the pool and for the soil to refill the hole.

Man that's bizarre.

I once had a freak eBay auction. One day after cooking a pot of meatballs, some of it stuck to the bottom of my pot, leaving a strange heart shaped bunch of gunk. I cleaned it up, took a picture and listed it on eBay as a sign from Cupid.

The BIN was $50,000. Alas, no takers, but everybody had a good laugh.
I saw a hydroponic storage container for sale. I can't remember the price but it was a complete mobile grow operation.

Imagine one of these filled with plants and lamps (on eBay):
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