CPATank/Vito Glazers Unable to Pay $500 Affiliate Balance


New member
Jan 20, 2012
Tested the EPCs on a specific offer with CPATank (they were very low compared to elsewhere). Accrued a relatively small balance of like 125 leads worth $500. All of this was right before they temporarily "shut down" as Vito started his "new" network One World Network (OWN)

Have spent months trying to get this money off, without success. Now, the owner of the network, Vito Glazers, doesn't respond to email or skype, and the previous network manager (who is also the network manager of OWN) can do nothing more but "suggest that I contact Vito)

So yeah just letting everyone know that the owners of CPAtank - who now run OWN - is unable to pay off a small $500 balance on legit traffic (I've done over 150k in total revenue with this offer so my leads are good)

Obviously I'm a little pissed, but I really feel like it's the communitie's responsibility to call out Networks - and do it on the forums - who just don't pay affiliaties what they're owed. It would be a really dick move not to try and warn people from first hand experience to avoid any network run by Vito. And of course if anyone is inerested, I have all records of all the skype/email convos I had with both the Vito and the network manager trying to diplomatically recover my account balance.

Stop doing business with "CEO's" that take pics of themselves with stacks of hundreds and you should be good.
I absolutely agree with the notion of calling him out, but if you've done over $150K on the offer $500 sounds like nothing to be pissed over.
I absolutely agree with the notion of calling him out, but if you've done over $150K on the offer $500 sounds like nothing to be pissed over.
That's not the point. If they do this over $500, they'll certainly do it over $50k. Consider it a warning to stay away.
I absolutely agree with the notion of calling him out, but if you've done over $150K on the offer $500 sounds like nothing to be pissed over.

It's less about the money and more about the time wasted trying to recover it. Vito kept announcing his bullshit "We are proud to have payed all our CPATank affiliate balances" so I assumed it would be easy to get paid out after a few quick emails (still had to send in a W9). Maybe I'm naive but It took me a while to figure out that they were purposefully sending me in circles.

Also I've lost like 15-20k in the last 12 month between EWA and some other shit, so I guess this was also just kind of a slap in the balls while I was already down.

Oh ALSO, what's especially I actually applied to OWN (before I realized I wasn't getting paid) after verifying like 300k in Revenue for last year (never ran any traffic though). So quite frankly Vito just has to be absolutely idiotic not to pay out $500 to an affiliate who has the potential to do pretty solid numbers.
Why are you running traffic through them if you already have a channel which you did $150K rev thru?

Was running direct for a while, but the advertiser cut down on the cap...and also didn't have the time to deal with lots of individual direct guysa they allocated all the cap back among a few networks
Same here, he also has owed me $500 since last summer that he claims accounting is "taking care of" mean while this douchebag has the nerve to post pics of all his tacky gucci/and other designer shit. SALUTE!

u mad?
It's less about the money and more about the time wasted trying to recover it. Vito kept announcing his bullshit "We are proud to have payed all our CPATank affiliate balances" so I assumed it would be easy to get paid out after a few quick emails (still had to send in a W9). Maybe I'm naive but It took me a while to figure out that they were purposefully sending me in circles.

Also I've lost like 15-20k in the last 12 month between EWA and some other shit, so I guess this was also just kind of a slap in the balls while I was already down.

Oh ALSO, what's especially I actually applied to OWN (before I realized I wasn't getting paid) after verifying like 300k in Revenue for last year (never ran any traffic though). So quite frankly Vito just has to be absolutely idiotic not to pay out $500 to an affiliate who has the potential to do pretty solid numbers.

Fuck you can run 150k in revenue ill pay you $500 just to run with us LOL
so the question is what niche is in it? Because I'm always buying legit as shit traffic....
Highly doubt he's dodging you for $500, probably just got lost in translation. Vito's a good guy and has always came through for me. Shoot him an email admin AT own DOT eu. He's on my Skype I'll shoot him a message for you. :)
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