Could the Give-A-Penny, Take-A-Penny Jar Fund Your Next SEO Campaign?

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Aug 31, 2011
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No Sign-up.

No Subscription.

Less Than a Penny Per Backlink.

No Fees / Taxes or Any Other Catches.

We Tell You How Long The Wait Is. (Often under 1 hour.)

...Just Plain Old Penny Backlinks.

We make Fiverr look like some kinda "Rich Man's Linkbuilding" :)

In fact... I'm not exactly sure that we are even going to make *any* money from this...

But we figured it would be fun.

I know there's supposed to be some kinda long sales letter... but... do you really need any convincing?

Here's our Site. Don't buy too much please, we can't afford it ;)


As If They Weren't Cheap Enough Already... We'll Knock 50% Off Your First Order!

Frequently Asked Questions

What types of links are you building?

Penny Backlinks currently offers four link building services.

Blog Commenting is where we create links by posting comments on recent, indexed blog posts across the Internet. Your link is embedded as the commenter name and URL.

Web 2.0 Blog Posts are actual posts on Web 2.0-type sites on a variety of domains. Your links are included throughout in the article that is posted as the blog post. We will provide an article to use as the blog post, or you can include one yourself.

Social Bookmarks are made on a variety of social bookmarking sites, using accounts we've already created. Your link is included as the social bookmark itself.

Wiki Articles are submissions to a variety of Wiki sites across the internet. Your links are included throughout the article posted to the wiki site.

Are any of your links NOFOLLOW or do they all have PageRank?

We provide a variety of links, both "nofollow" and "dofollow", across a variety of PageRanks (including some PR0s). It is our belief that this variety in your link profile will allow you to appear more natural to the search engines.

What software do you use behind the scenes for link building?

Our process is entirely automated, using mostly custom-built software.

What is your refund policy?

If you aren't satisfied with your links, E-Mail our support department and we'll either do the submission again or give you your money back. Up to you.

Do you guarantee delivery times?

We show a delivery estimate that is calculated based on the real-time status of our servers and queues. We strive to beat the advertised time, but unfortunately, we are unable to guarantee the delivery time to the minute. We're confident that you'll be happy with our speed though!

Do you randomize the provided keywords and URLs?

We only use the keyword-URL pairs that you specify. We will never mix and match them, as we know that many of our customers don't like that.

Which link type is best?

This depends on a number of factors, including your domain authority, existing link profile, and keyword difficulty. If you can afford it (and they're pretty darn cheap..), consider running all link types to your site.

Will this service get my site sandboxed?

While we could never answer that question with absolute certainty, you should rest assured knowing that we use this service on our own sites -- including the ones that are responsible for most of our income.

Are you going to add more link types in the future?

Most likely. A future release of Penny Backlinks will probably support many more link types.

Sounds great, Let's Build Some Links!

Click here to get started!

Looks incredible and cheap; please send me a few samples of the Web 2.0 posts you state

Hi RankingBilly!
Thanks for checking out our thread!

Yes, the price for our service is VERY affordable for almost any budget! We believe that link building should be available and affordable for all.

Unfortunately, the only example URL's that I would be able to provide to you as examples would be coming from clients link blasts. As this would be in violation of privacy policy, I am unable to do so.

Also, all of our URL lists are updated constantly, so any example I could give may not still be in play when you order. We do this to ensure the quality and diversity that has to go into a successful link building campaign.

I hope you understand, RankingBilly. If you have any other specific questions regarding our service please don't hesitate to contact us at and we will be sure to get in touch with you!

Just ordered, looks like a no brainer!

Hi Willconqueror!

Awesome! We hope you love it as much as we do!

Let us know if there is anything else we can do for you Willconqueror! We are here to help!

Thanks again for the support everyone!

To Your Success,

Cody Manning
Customer Support Specialist
Do we get live links report? For web 2.0 posts, do you post only our links in the article or somebody else's links too?
Just got my report. These social bookmarks look like a small social bookmarking link network you set up. Do you own all these sites?
Do we get live links report? For web 2.0 posts, do you post only our links in the article or somebody else's links too?

Hi Hydmaster!
Thanks for your interest in PennyBacklinks!

The articles will only contain your links. The reason that we don't build different customers link into a single article is for privacy. If we were to do this, then when we send a customer their report, they will be able to see the URL's of some of their potential competitors. We do not want to expose the niches of any of our customers. We take our customers privacy very seriously.

Just got my report. These social bookmarks look like a small social bookmarking link network you set up. Do you own all these sites?

Hi Vicare!
Thanks for checking out our thread and trying out our service!

No, we do not own any of the properties on which we build. We pride ourselves on our link diversity and separate C-Classes and varying IP's. By setting up our own link network would be posting on different URL's, but not varying up the rest of those things that matter.

So no, we do not own any sites in your report.

I hope this helps everyone! If there is anything else you may need, do not hesitate to let know here on the thread, or by sending in a support ticket to

We will be sure to get back to you right away!

Thanks again!

To Your Success,

Cody Manning
Customer Support Specialist
Hi guys,

This is the last bump for this round of posting. We had a couple of delay issues earlier this week and I wanted to apologize for this, and offer anyone who had a problem to contact me directly at so I can offer you some free link building.

Also, if you haven't purchased from Penny Backlinks, make sure you click here and get 50% off your first purchase.

Yours in service,

Brett Phillips
Company Project Manager

Follow us on Twitter! @LinkEmperor
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