Cost Per View/ PPV

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I heard all this affiliate marketing business will die very soon. It's a matter of 1-2 years when companies realize that they are paying affiliates too much and start doing everything themselves. Better not even bother starting, especially when everybody hates ads and - I mean, who clicks on them anyway.. My friend says he never clicks on ads! You know..

OMG, I was spin-free for almost 6 months now and you assholes just took me around the world.
What? I were able to break even with PPV, and that was the first try. Never thought of optimizing it cause the tracking and their system sucks. Volume is also the question so just dropped it.
Yes exactly, don't even bother with ppv you'll just lose money.

I've lost $500 on ppv in the past week on three different ad networks. CTRs are so low that clicks end up costing as much as they would in adwords, and they are lower quality. I'm sure people are making money in PPV, people are making money doing everything -- it's just not the cheap, easy source of traffic I expected.

A LP that gets a 45% CTR to offer on adwords traffic gets a .40% CTR on ppv traffic, at least for me. CPM rates start at $25 CPM on some networks.

I spent $200 to get one $35 sale on one network.

So far PPV has been a disapointment.
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