Copy and Article/Content Writers


Content Manager/Writer
May 30, 2010
Freakin' Desert
I'd just like to point something out, if you are going to take the plunge and offer services to write content, make sure you know what "type" of writer you are from the get-go. Don't offer something you can't deliver.

I am an article/content writer. I'm an information machine. I research my articles well. What I am not is write copy.

People who write copy have a unique skill set to write landing pages that will assist you in selling your product or services without pushing the product. It's a very subtle way of marketing and it takes a bit of skill.

BlueYonder is a great copy and article/content writer. She's moved on to bigger projects because her skill sets have increased. She was into copy years ago and understands how to "sell" without selling.

I get asked to write landing pages. I usually turn the person down. Not because I don't want the business, but it's because I will not do the client a disservice by trying to copy.

There maybe those here who advertise content and can do copy. Just understand that a writer isn't born with innate copy skills. Those are honed.
For a solid copy - a solid landing page, you really will have to pay more than my highest rate of $20 per article for that. If you find someone who suits you and it fits your need for cheaper, good for you.

Copy and content are two different things. Sure I can market your product on a web page, but a LANDING page is a whole different thing. That's where you hook 'em in without suffocating the masses with over marketing.

Go cheap and you get what you pay for. Just saying.

I usually do the opposite, avoid taking content jobs at all costs. I sometimes make exceptions, but quickly realize why I've moved on.

I also agree with your recommendation of BlueYonder. I don't think I've ever gotten any work done by her, but her sales thread(s) are proof that she's got skills. I actually recommend her to my clients sometimes when I'm too busy or get offered content jobs.

I'm not sure if the OP posted this for self promotion, but I might as well get in on the action.
Someone tried to hire me to do a landing page for them. It clearly states on my ad that I'm an article/content writer. They went then to a copy writer and tried to get them for the same price as a content writer.

I'm just saying we are two different types of writers. I LOVE content more than sales. I love research. I love learning. But to hire me to write a "landing" page tells me a lot about how people here don't know the difference or maybe don't care.

There are a dime a dozen article/content writers here, but fewer copy writers. If you need a landing page they are the ones you need to hire. An article/content writer will take work for work's sake. Then you complain about the shoddy job they did on your page.

When you look at the ads for content and choose a writer, if you need copy make sure you get samples. My content samples are published works for the companies I work for, so I didn't have to give out free samples. They are right there for you to click on.

But don't take it for granted that a writer can do copy. Hate to see someone screw you over for a cheap buck.