copeac... what am I doing wrong?

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New member
Jan 15, 2007
Minneapolis, MN
Since I'm completely new at this, I'll just put it all out there, as I have nothing to hide.

I recently signed up for an account at copeac. After looking at the number of available campaigns, I decided to go with "Beautiful Skin" which pays $21.00/lead.

I setup accounts with Adwords and adCenter, as well as a couple 2nd tier search engines for traffic.

After 48 hours, according to my Copeac account, I have 112 impressions, 0 clicks, 0 leads, 0 0 0 0 0. Zero everything.

And I here I thought getting into affiliate marketing would bring me a new revenue stream and save me from having to do comprehensive RFI's and sitting down with big clients to bid on work. Hell at least that works for me ;-)

Any tips anyone can give an beginner affiliate? I'm willing to trade some top-notch design or development work in return.

First, what's your reason for choosing to market an acne product? Are you linking to a landing page or directly to the offer? If you're linking to a landing page and using banners that explains your impressions, maybe your landing page is poor quality and people aren't clicking through, but I would expect at least a couple clicks from 112 impressions. If you're linking directly to the offer are you sure you used the contextual code given for the offer and not some other code?
Thanks for the reply. I picked to market an acne product because it seemed that I could get some decent traffic for not too much money.

I'm linking directly the the affiliates landing page. Maybe I did something wrong, I don't know. What I did was this:

1. Pick the "Beatiful Skin - WEB ONLY" affilate offer from Copeac.
2. Selected the "Contextual Creative" link, and it gave me the following link:
3. Setup my PPC campaigns to point directly to that URL.

Like I said, the PPC campaigns seem to be working, and copeac seems to be registering the fact that people ARE visiting the page. It's just that nobody is signing up for the offer. Here is my ad copy:

Secret Skin Forumula
Discover the secrets of Hollywood Stars. Only $4.95 Shipping.

...Any ideas? I thought I should have even a 1% conversion rate, but maybe I've just picked a horribly converting niche.
Stop linking directly to the offer and make a landing page! lol, I was told by Mike a while back that most of the people that market acne offers complete the sales/leads over the phone, I'm not sure when he'll be on due to ASW but why don't you PM him and ask him to recommend you an offer?
Thanks for the advice. I PM'd Mike a couple of days ago about a different matter and never heard back from him. I'll wait a while before I try again.

I suppose I could make a seperate landing page... I figured just getting them right to their destination would work best though. I dunno, I 'd be willing to throw big money at this thing if I can just find a formula that works....
You gotta pre-sell the product to your customer, that's the point of a landing page, who pays for a product that they have no trust in? There are loads of different type of landing pages you could do, you could try a review or product comparison. could try a review or product comparison.

You're right, I think I'll try creating a unique landing page and see how that goes. I'll report back here after a couple of days to let you know the results.

making a landing page doesn't cost big money ;)

That is correct, I am just hopeing that the money made from the landing page offsets the time + energy spent to create it.
Is the URL <> COPEAC's page and design ?
Surfers are welcomed to that page with the sales pitch,,,
"Acne skin care secret of the stars".

That page design is plain as mud and definitely not convincing,
especially when it makes a claim such as "Acne skin care secret of the stars".

For that pitch to work they need a "high-end" design to make women feel as though they have just clicked on to a modern day miracle straight out of the laboratory of some "gifted genius dermatologist" in Beverly Hills California.

The current page design looks like an crude spammers penis pill page, where the pictures of dicks have been replaced with pictures of zits.

I'm suggesting the page itself can be improved upon before you throw your "big money" away, trying to promote an amatuerish and plain looking page.
They're trying to sell to women who are bombarded from childhood with glitzy high end advertising. First impressions are everything, women KNOW the product sucks when they are served up an advertisement that sucks.
If the product is truly fantastic then the ad better be goddamned fantastic.
We've all seen better looking pages offering coupons for a 15 minute oil change at Jiffy Lube.
Personally I wouldn't waste my time promoting that page.

yeah,,, I'm new to this forum so call me a name and get it over with:Yahoo_29:
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Is the URL <> COPEAC's page and design ?
Surfers are welcomed to that page with the sales pitch,,,
"Acne skin care secret of the stars".

That page design is plain as mud and definitely not convincing,
especially when it makes a claim such as "Acne skin care secret of the stars".

For that pitch to work they need a "high-end" design to make women feel as though they have just clicked on to a modern day miracle straight out of the laboratory of some "gifted genius dermatologist" in Beverly Hills California.

The current page design looks like an crude spammers penis pill page, where the pictures of dicks have been replaced with pictures of zits.

I'm suggesting the page itself can be improved upon before you throw your "big money" away, trying to promote an amatuerish and plain looking page.
They're trying to sell to women who are bombarded from childhood with glitzy high end advertising. First impressions are everything, women KNOW the product sucks when they are served up an advertisement that sucks.
If the product is truly fantastic then the ad better be goddamned fantastic.
We've all seen better looking pages offering coupons for a 15 minute oil change at Jiffy Lube.
Personally I wouldn't waste my time promoting that page.

yeah,,, I'm new to this forum so call me a name and get it over with:Yahoo_29:
Worseless asshat.
Its cool I'm worseless too.
Is the URL <> COPEAC's page and design ?
Yes, they designed the landing page.

For that pitch to work they need a "high-end" design to make women feel as though they have just clicked on to a modern day miracle straight out of the laboratory of some "gifted genius dermatologist" in Beverly Hills California.
Funny you mention that, I showed my wife the ad/landing page and she said something along those very lines earlier today.

yeah,,, I'm new to this forum so call me a name and get it over with
I'm fairly new to this forum as well. The members here can be a little harsher than you'll find at other forums but, the great thing is that there is a lot of great information in the threads, people can and do offer great advice (this post as an example) and people aren't afraid of sharing knowledge.
That is correct, I am just hopeing that the money made from the landing page offsets the time + energy spent to create it.

Don't worry about spending time and energy on this and not getting anything in return from it. It will be worth it! And besides, not that much time is required to get a basic page up and running. Take a look at competing landing pages in the top Adwords spots, and get some inspiration for what sort of design and layout works.

Create a basic template, and write up some content about your offer.

I created my first landing pages from scratch in Dreamweaver, but any ol' html design tool will do. I spent 2 hours on the first version, and have done some tweaking to it later. On average I probably spend 3 hours on each offer's landing page - and that's including setting up the campaigns to promote it.

So I think of it as 3 hours worth of invested time. If that offer ends up being profitable, then that's 24x7 autopilot income that I won't have to work for again. And then you move on to the next offer....and keep going.... :)

Keep in mind too that most offers you try will not become profitable, but don't give up! Keep the ones that work, and ditch the negative performers after a while (analysing and tracking is key).
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