Copeac Naughty or Nice Problems

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New member
Nov 7, 2007
If anyone from Copeac is reading this, your naughty or nice server is crashing under the load and everyone is losing leads because it's either super slow or comes back with an ASP timeout error. I called the 911 number, but no answer and nobody on AIM or answering emails. It's been slow since friday and outright crashing since 6am today. It's going to be a pretty shitty weekend for all of us.

<sarcasm>If they aren't answering their phones, I'm positive it is because they are all reading forums. Good call to post it here.</sarcasm>
I'm seeing the same problem.

If anyone from Copeac is reading this, your naughty or nice server is crashing under the load and everyone is losing leads because it's either super slow or comes back with an ASP timeout error. I called the 911 number, but no answer and nobody on AIM or answering emails. It's been slow since friday and outright crashing since 6am today. It's going to be a pretty shitty weekend for all of us.
We have been monitoring the site over the weekends and have caught most of the down time and resolved it. unfortunately the problem is due to the success of the site, we are getting to many requests (over 100K page 1 submits per day) and the servers, and site programming cant handle it, we are in the process of reprogramming the back end as well as adding additional servers to handle the traffic volume, you should not see this happen any further after today. We apologize for the problems, we really didn't think the site would get over 100K people a day filling out page one.
Is this offer working? I've sent 100+ clicks and only 1 converted. Just wondering if my traffic sucks ..

My conversions went from ~10% to a steady 5%... even saw figures getting consistently as low as 3%... Horrible!
I don't understand why NON is converting. To me it's just an additional page to the actual offer and the payout is less. Example:
NON pays under $3 (diff people will get diff payout but lets just call it $3)
You convert AFTER these conditions
1 hop - visitor comes to your landing page
2 hops - visitor was sold by your good sales copy and goes to NON LP
3 hops - visitor fills out initial form and click next
4 hops - visitor fill out profile and click next
5 hops - NON site now determines which site is most suitable for this visitor and then leads them to the a profile page
6 hops - visitor has to go through 2 or 3 pages of profile submit for a conversion

Am I missing something here? Is there gold here and I'm just blind?
I just saw that NaughtyOrNice is fucking up again, so nobody is converting right now because their servers are down.
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