So where's the organization that goes after Wall Street for massive, financial system collapsing fraud that wiped out a huge amounts of wealth and ruined the dollar?

oh wait...
Or maybe the FTC is figuring out the best way to prosecute, or settle, these cases by going after the small fish as test cases. Once they have found a template that they know the courts will accept and rule in their favor, they will get the big boys.

Who knows, maybe the FTC read an article on split testing and scaling here on WF...

Most FTC cases are settled outside of court. What you said is truly complete nonsense.
That's what happens when you own the offers, the processing, and give affiliates landing pages in an effort to recover the losses EWA incurred on them.

AKA, EWA still can't run enough traffic for the FTC to even be remotely interested in them.

Don't worry, I am sure you'll get your first lawsuit soon enough.
I don't feel bad for Copeac or others in the same boat....gigs been up for quite sometime, those who continue will meet the same fate. The bigger they are the harder they fall.
^ you consider "connotation" and "misconstrued" big words?

loll yourself jackass. I was talking about barclay&retard and his awkward use of words. Obviously he's trying too hard to sound sophisticated and he's coming off as a bad indian parody of shakespeare.
loll yourself jackass. I was talking about barclay&retard and his awkward use of words. Obviously he's trying too hard to sound sophisticated and he's coming off as a bad indian parody of shakespeare.

wait who the fuck are you again? oh thats right nobody. talk shit like you're somebody when you've actually provided some value or (tits) to the community.