Contract of Wifely Expectations

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The guy's kind of stupid. If you look at his system of "good behaviour days" earned, she could earn a lot more "off" days than most normal relationships would have.
Deliguy said:
There isn't a punishment big enough for that guy.
Course there is, cut off his dick and give him an old fashioned drill lobotomy

Works everytime :)
I went to a wedding where they wrote their own vows, the one that sticks in my mind is that the groom promised to take out the garbage every tuesday night until death do us part
Ted said:
I went to a wedding where they wrote their own vows, the one that sticks in my mind is that the groom promised to take out the garbage every tuesday night until death do us part
Now that is some committment, I mean shit I couldn't do that, not even for my own girl
I think this dude is looking for a mail-order bride who's so desperate to get married by a certain age that she'd adhere to any garbage he gives her. ASKING for these things might actually go a long way and maybe you won't get your ass thrown in jail...
What I wanna know is how do you marry that fucker, and NOT NOTICE that something might be up?!?
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