Content Writing Service

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Design Man. Thanx a lot, shall be looking at future options.
A new week starts. Few orders are pending that I shall send today.
Free For More Orders.
I like the images. Your team of women look fantastic. I should be booking my ticket soon. lol.
Jesus, isnt it a dry day in the 1st pic!
Outsourcer: great! we look forward to that. Well sundays a day to get back to the family. These people bust their nuts here, so its rightfully deserved. Ill be posting up some more images soon.
I had asked Carlton to write me up an topic on the ISA from microsoft and he came up with this. i ask writers to give me 100 word articles as a challenge to see if they can cope up with the limited creativity test. less words means good judgement and improvisation of information. what i recieved from carlton was better than what i expected. But ill let you be the judge of that.

i am looking forward to more writing services from you.

Did you run this through copyscape? It looks like it was lifted from a Microsoft whitepaper.

Search in Google for "server that integrates with Microsoft" (with quotes) and look at the first result. Word for Word copy of the whitepaper.

Why are all the positive responses from people with recently opened wickedfire accounts with low post counts?

Buyer beware!

I appreciate your input. It is but obvious that the ISA material would not pass copyscape. It was written for a client a long time ago. Its pretty simple to put up review articles. For your benefit and others, I shall be uploading a few more samples. Neither do I want our clients to be fooled. Hence, we offer only the best premium content.

Honestly speaking, it could be just bad luck that most of the positive reviews have been created within the same span of time. Nonetheless I do not see how it affects my final output. I have never had problems with any of my clients.

My assurance to my clients remains till date when I say that I endlessly deliver quality content. I appreciate you taking the time out to locate the content, but as I mentioned, it is an old sample.

As promised I shall be providing new samples.


I appreciate your input. It is but obvious that the ISA material would not pass copyscape. It was written for a client a long time ago. Its pretty simple to put up review articles. For your benefit and others, I shall be uploading a few more samples. Neither do I want our clients to be fooled. Hence, we offer only the best premium content.

Honestly speaking, it could be just bad luck that most of the positive reviews have been created within the same span of time. Nonetheless I do not see how it affects my final output. I have never had problems with any of my clients.

My assurance to my clients remains till date when I say that I endlessly deliver quality content. I appreciate you taking the time out to locate the content, but as I mentioned, it is an old sample.

As promised I shall be providing new samples.

First off - the two sentences i highlighted here make absolutely no sense.
Second - why does it matter how old this sample was if it was plagiarized?
Third - your supposed pictures are fake - notice the walls, decor, and computer monitors are inconsistent from pic to pic? Borrowed these right?
Lastly - Aren't you also IWODAVEH? - Same posters, same phrases, etc.

Why not just offer services and let the REAL public decide if you're any good - why all of the lies and trickery?

P.S. I have already reported you to the mod.
I really do not wish to elucidate further. I have been observing these tactics since a long time and it simply puts me off to see the depths that one would go into sabotaging another business. My clients have been loyal to me and happy as well. I continue to offer my services at the best level of quality. A moderator is free to check into my history. I have nothing to hide. And what is IWODAVEH?

As promised I have enclosed a new sample for reference.


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Rumors are spreading that my services are terminated. I assure you they are not. I continue to offer our content writing services
My weekend is free for more orders. Keeping the post running.
Well John, obviously I am not here to highlight and brag about my services. My work speaks for itself. But thank you for your input especially one coming from a 'Junior Member'
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