CONTENT That RANKS -The #1 Choice of Wicked Members -Magazine Quality -24hr TAT

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sent two pms and two emails attempting to order with no response for about 2.5 weeks now.

Hey guys,

Sorry about not responding however as I am receiving 120 emails a day not including orders, and over two dozen PM's my focus has been trying to answer customer emails and getting orders out the door -I simply haven't had the time to respond to pre-order questions.

Anyone interested in placing an order can do so, and if there is any question or concern about the order I will always get back to you about it. However as I am spending approximately 12 hours a day right now sending orders back and forth and communicating with customers I am unable to make any extra time to answer pre-order inquiries.

I'm having a backend system coded that will be complete in the coming two weeks that will eliminate the need for me to manually send the orders back and forth -and with several hundred orders a day this takes up a LOT of my time. I will be able to devote more of my time to answering pre-order inquiries and marketing, but, at the moment any pre-order inquiries may be overlooked as I am slammed with filling existing orders and answering customer questions.

I am selling this content on a variety of forums as well as through direct ad buys -so this is not the only forum that I'm providing content with and so the volume of work that I am managing is significant.
I just received my homepage content (on time I might add) and all I can say is they are exactly what I was hoping for if not better. I got well researched and written articles for exactly what I asked for. These will be directly copied and pasted onto my actual home based business website, not just a quick content blog.

You will have orders from me every month from here on out :thumbsup:
Keep up the quality as too many writers have come and gone or outsourced to the point of turning out crap.

Thanks again!
Update: We have a large number of Homepage content and review orders going out today -sorry about the delay on these guys. We really didn't expect this kind of huge response for a new service and we became a bit backlogged. However we have been hiring and training new writers who meet the criteria so future homepage orders will be delivered back much more quickly.

If you have ordered homepage content or reviews on or before the 26th and don't receive everything by the end of the day please shoot me an email or message me on skype so we can see what might be up -everything up to those dates should be out by tonight.

I'm going to have a system in place soon that will automate the content sending and compiling process so all orders will speed up significantly (if we're not already blazing fast enough) and I'll be able to respond to inquiries much quicker as well.

Thanks for the feedback man!

I'm very careful with who we outsource to because perhaps even more importantly then my TAT my high quality in my price range has been the biggest driver of this service, so that is something that I am very keen on to protect. That's why some of our new services may start off a bit slow as I do thorough interviews, training and testing of new writers -even our regular SEO content -instead of just scaling up mindlessly.

Thanks again :)

@dr bot

Added you to skype and shot you a PM so we can see where the miss communication may be coming from.
Just wanted to say I also received my first piece of Homepage content yesterday and was very impressed with the quality. The research was extremely thorough, and the writer used a witty, confident style that suits the subject matter perfecty. Needless to say I will be back for many more!
This is the perfect service. You get high quality, and it gets done QUICK for the price of every other service.

I don't know how they do it, but these are the only guys I use.
Do you have an email address so I can contact you. Have a few questions but I dont have enough posts to send PMs yet :(
Nevermind lol, just placed an order.

Your receipt number for this payment is: 4506-4915-3519-4601.
Thought I'd give the Authority Homepage Content a go.

Ordered 700 words : Transaction ID: 25P840040J5197252

FYI : If there was supposed to be any kind of confirmation of order. I didn't get it.

Look forward to seeing what you come up with. Cheers.
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