
I hate these types of staged threads. I've already told you fools the truth.

The Russians never lost the Cold War. They had a 60-year plan to brainwash the American people into disarming while destroying their culture, values, and currency at the same time. They planned on infiltrating the universities, entertainment industries, and media. They planned on brainwashing successive generations into Marxism-Leninism. Tons of KGB defectors have already testified to this - Yuri Bezmenov, Anatoliy Golitsyn, Jan Sejna, Alexander Litvinenko, Victor Suvorov, Sergei Tretyakov, Vladimir Bukovsky, Stanislav Lunev, etc...

It's obviously worked, the dollar is about to collapse, "terrorists" are nothing but Russian proxies, China is allied with Russia and will provide the ground troops, and Obama is the final piece. I'm not interested in "debating" that braindead moron called Lukep, there's tons of evidence to support what I'm saying. Research it yourself if you actually care, although I doubt many of you do, because you're mostly consumed with appearing intelligent. Continue orgasming over Ron Paul while they complete the controlled demolition of this country. I'm out.

Yeah - But I did get you to both respond and call Lukep names :) That part was a joke btw. I've just noticed that both of you are quite passionate about your viewpoints and you do seem to argue with one another quite often.
who owns the big names like cnn, people magazine, NY Times, are they governmentat agencies or freelancers who are raising money ?

Those names aren't worth shit. You left the big one off the list - Google.

Who owns Google? The Russians, it's part of their 60-year domination plan. Watch the video. For real.
I figure this will be one of the biggest argument threads in WF ever :) I'm personally inviting Lukep and hellblazer to go a couple rounds.

You know you don't have anything important to do today anyway. You know you'll have fun this way at least.

Premise: PROVE there is or isn't a conspiracy along these lines:

- huge amounts of lobbying money are going towards actions that will destabilize our country. Who and why....

- BIGGER amounts of lobbying money are going to towards actions that will destabilize our dollar. Who and why...

- Even bigger amounts of lobbying money are going towards actions that just plain fuck normal people.

- Even bigger amounts of lobbying money are going towards actions that just have zero common sense behind them.

- It's obvious our MEDIA isn't free to report as they should be any longer. Who said that a free and objective press is required for a Democracy/Republic to function properly? They have also devoted tremendous resources to making MOST people believe that internet news is just a bunch of wackos.

Both of our political parties are just ducks wearing a different set of clothes that quack on command for donations.

Conspiracy? We all know it's aliens, but to think that there isn't a group of very wealthy people who have managed to control a large number of media corporations, international companies, and vast amounts of wealth aren't trying to manipulate the system for THEIR benefit is sort of sticking your head in the sand.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist except for ancient aliens, the illuminati, the NWO, and that 9/11 was in inside job thought of after we didn't really go to the moon.... but even I can see that there seems to be a force guiding things in a pretty bad direction for me in my golden years and my kids future.

Do I know who/what/why? Nope. Do I see the evidence of it all around me? Yep. Some things aren't believable like that 9/11 was an inside job - because I really don't think any branch of our government is that competent. However, it's hard to ignore that vast amounts of money is guiding many levels of our government with said vast amounts of money.

Interesting post...

Having a collective conspiracy for things is not a bad thing, at all. But it can be counterproductive to the greater good. Sometimes, you need to accept that an "official story" is bullshit, and accept too that it is absolutely likely you will never know the true/real story in full detail, ever. If you can accept this, then you'll actually be closer to experiencing enlightenment. If you can't, then you'll just get angrier, do and say things that will make you feel and look like you're batshit crazy, and ultimately may even lead to you going insane out of absolute frustration due to people not believing you, listening to you, and/or that what you do or say won't change a damn thing.

It is what it is, and sometimes, whether we like it or not, shit just happens that we cannot make sense of or explain rationally. Much like the chaos of war, and why this guy gets shot and killed and while the other one goes home safe. Shit just happens. :)

As for the illuminati crap.. Jews don't speak Latin, so get over it. Although I can absolutely confirm there are enlightened groups/families that span back to nearly ancient times. But they were formed because they were the minority group and had to stick together to survive. We don't call it "illuminati" either.

For the NWO stuffs... yes and no. You and I are all supporters for it, whether you like to accept that or not is up to you. There is however no group with a master plan to control the world for profits lol

The real truth is... there is no one in charge. No one with a master plan. No magical man in the sky, may it be a god or an alien. No one. The only one in control of a life is you for your own.

Stop trying to figure things out that your feeble minds can't even conceptualize correctly from the start, and just go out and buy something to return you to your inner, happy self. You'll do it regardless, so may as well hurry up and get going!
I hate these types of staged threads. I've already told you fools the truth.

The Russians never lost the Cold War. They had a 60-year plan to brainwash the American people into disarming while destroying their culture, values, and currency at the same time. They planned on infiltrating the universities, entertainment industries, and media. They planned on brainwashing successive generations into Marxism-Leninism. Tons of KGB defectors have already testified to this - Yuri Bezmenov, Anatoliy Golitsyn, Jan Sejna, Alexander Litvinenko, Victor Suvorov, Sergei Tretyakov, Vladimir Bukovsky, Stanislav Lunev, etc...

It's obviously worked, the dollar is about to collapse, "terrorists" are nothing but Russian proxies, China is allied with Russia and will provide the ground troops, and Obama is the final piece. I'm not interested in "debating" that braindead moron called Lukep, there's tons of evidence to support what I'm saying. Research it yourself if you actually care, although I doubt many of you do, because you're mostly consumed with appearing intelligent. Continue orgasming over Ron Paul while they complete the controlled demolition of this country. I'm out.
Please never ever ban this guy for any reason. This is hilarious.
I've had the same thoughts, OP. Hard to believe a lot of stuff happening lately financially and socially is by coincidence. Maybe it's just natural/fate and the availability of information through the internet makes it seem planned? Who knows. However, I do find it hard to believe a small group of humans could successfully engineer a global restructuring of social and financial systems (concurrently) without fault.
If you come back in I am highly motivated to hear your tons of evidence showing that Russia, and not the cia, mi6 and mossad, are behind the 'terrorists'.

Do you want me to do all your research for you? Why don't you look at what Alexander Litvinenko, a former KGB agent, was saying before they killed him in 2006?

And just like I predicted, nobody did a shred of research because THEY DON'T REALLY CARE. The majority of the people who post here don't give two shits about the truth, they're obsessed with their image and projecting pure bullshit. Looking "cool" in an unimportant online forum is more important to them than finding out the truth about the world.
Do you want me to do all your research for you? Why don't you look at what Alexander Litvinenko, a former KGB agent, was saying before they killed him?

i have seen these old interviews with this kgb agent and others, and i think there is truth to a lot of what they say....BUT....

you can't discount that these guys were "trolling" cold warriors in the US...telling them what they wanted to hear...reaffirming what they thought....comforting them in their paranoia....and making big money in their new roles as lecturers.

above all else, don't forget that these guys were all essentially double agents who were flipped by the CIA. and intelligence agencies are all about disinfo.

again, i think there is truth there. but i think its a mistake to point to nation states when assigning responsibility for a lot of this stuff. "its the russians" is terribly simplistic and really an anachronism.
Looking "cool" in an unimportant online forum is more important to them than

I'm not doing very well at this. I'll need to buy a WSO to get the magic button.

As for the conspiracies, when one fades there is always another. They usually have no consequence. Excellent entertainment though! Any alien abductions lately?
I hate these types of staged threads. I've already told you fools the truth.

The Russians never lost the Cold War. They had a 60-year plan to brainwash the American people into disarming while destroying their culture, values, and currency at the same time. They planned on infiltrating the universities, entertainment industries, and media. They planned on brainwashing successive generations into Marxism-Leninism. Tons of KGB defectors have already testified to this - Yuri Bezmenov, Anatoliy Golitsyn, Jan Sejna, Alexander Litvinenko, Victor Suvorov, Sergei Tretyakov, Vladimir Bukovsky, Stanislav Lunev, etc...

It's obviously worked, the dollar is about to collapse, "terrorists" are nothing but Russian proxies, China is allied with Russia and will provide the ground troops, and Obama is the final piece. I'm not interested in "debating" that braindead moron called Lukep, there's tons of evidence to support what I'm saying. Research it yourself if you actually care, although I doubt many of you do, because you're mostly consumed with appearing intelligent. Continue orgasming over Ron Paul while they complete the controlled demolition of this country. I'm out.

Holy shit, it's all clear now.Finally, it all comes together. This is the only explanation that makes sense.

So those were chinese missiles afterall!!
Do you want me to do all your research for you? Why don't you look at what Alexander Litvinenko, a former KGB agent, was saying before they killed him in 2006?

You mean the british agent assassinated by british intel who was running around saying russia supports al qaeda? what kind of mountain of evidence is that?
I just realized I feel the same way about most conspiracies as Ron Paul eloquently puts it referring to the 9/11 conspiracies: He argues that the issue is not a conspiracy but a failure of bureaucracy.[67][68] He believes the 9/11 Commission Report's main goal was "to protect the government and to protect their ineptness – He does not think the government would have staged such an attack.[71] When asked whether "9/11 was orchestrated by the government", Paul emphasized, "Absolutely not."[72] Political positions of Ron Paul - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He just fails to go one step further by saying the government is too unorganized and inept to stage such an attack. lulz.