[Conspiracy Thread] The US introduced AIDS as a virus for depopulation

Despite being said that AIDS will spell the end of Africa, African population doubled from 400 to 800 millions during the HIV-AIDS era. I gotta say AIDS is doing a poor job of depopulating Africa.

*Probably because

There have been large standard of living improvements in Africa during the time period, infant mortality rates down, etc.

The world population grew during World War II.. Currently there are about 134 million births and 54 million deaths per year. So even if AIDS was causing all the deaths, population would still be going up.

A million or so Africans are said to die a year from AIDS, and 15,500 in the US for 2011 according to the CDC. Neither of those numbers are high enough to cause a drop in total population from one year to the next in those places.

HIV is harmless.

Here is one of hundreds of studies where they claim to have witnessed HIV causing cell damage.

If there is some type of coverup or misunderstanding going on, then it has involved 1,000s of biology students and researchers, even at places like Mormon BYU and the Christian Calvin College.
this is high level politics and strategy. Nothing can be neglected, not even the fact or fiction of HIV being a human source of invention and not originated from monkeys.

But the point is once it has been introduced nothing can be done about it, so chuck that and concentrate on more important things :)
Why would they want to depopulate Africa? Our economy is based on exploiting cheap labor in third world countries. Once China matures a bit more that continent can supply Walmarts with cheap shit for eons.
No, Matt cutts introduced AIDS to get rid of this gay webmaster forum. And it's been pretty effective too.
AIDS was introduced by condom companies

Penguin update was introduced by white hat SEO providers on WF.

In 1970's 16 young boys were reported missing. They were brought up and trained. 15 of those boys have been eliminated in the end of selection process. One has survived and has been installed in Google to enforce white hat SEO propaganda. His name was Matt Cutts.

In 2012 the group succeeded with Penguin update which has never existed. They impose the fear on WF members who from then on started to look into white hat SEO services. How do you think who monopolized post-Penguin services? They.

I have an evidence. One of the senior members here released his "Penguin friendly" service as a first member here... 5 hours before Penguin stroke...

They feed your mind with white hat propaganda. They talk about building serious businesses, having real followers, building lists and all this non-sense.

Once in a while when a member wants to share his secret black hat shit information they turn your attention away from it using clowns such as pewep. Instead of learning spam you discuss "should we ban pewep or not".

Fear is reinforced on you every single week with threads such as "My site dropped 50 spots, my family has no food anymore". In each of this threads OP claims he broke Google guidelines... Coincidence?