Confession: I have an expired domain buying addiction

Once you realllly get the hang of it, it's like prospecting for gold -- ie, EXTREMELY ADDICTING (and extremely fun).

PR 40+ is where the big boys play. ;)
ya this shit is crazy i was just telling people on skype at el33t group that im buyign too many of em and see ur topic.
im buying around 2-3 PR3+ a day ;xxxxxxxxxxxxx i just never can walk away from opportunity ;x
Ima small shrimp in a big sea. Clockin' in at about 89 domains.

Its a fun random passive income though. Sold 3 domains I never used for $3500 earlier this year. Had been sitting on those domains for about 4 years with nothing on them.

curious. Did you do this on Flippa/similar or did you go the private route?
Need some help here:

Okay, I have bought a domain that expired a while ago and has DA40 and used to be some software geek blog where other software geeks posted their stuff on their blogs. The problem now arises is that most incoming links to the site goes to the loads of subdomains of the site. How do I best utilize the link juice going to the subdomains (given the fact I am too lazy too recreate all the old subdomains)? Do you know a good WP plugin that does this job?

catch-all 301 redirection in htaccess for subdomains; -www if you use it.
Today I have bought 10 new domains, with many governmental and newspaper links and some have mentions in government/academic research papers

Domain age: between 10-20 years
PR: I have no fucking clue as I didnt look at this
DA: 20-40
PA: 30+

You're going to make bank on those. The governmental/edu backlinks (mentions) alone make these type of domains highly sought after. It's hard to fathom why any organization would let their domain go so easily. My guess is how funding was shut off so the domain was one of the first things to go. That happens.
I think once you start buying domains, you just can't stop.

Ohhh this ones juicy.

I got to have this one

Wow, what a cool niche, easy to rank site

Damn, this ones powerful, I want it bad