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Sep 20, 2006
From a beer I had tonight.


ROFL at both the intentional and unintentional hilarity on this thread.

You're so desperate to put in your 2 cents in every thread on here
Was tired, and the manner of your comment doesn't make much sense , since I post no more than most other 'regulars' on here. Would be like accusing popeye of being so desperate to put his two cents into every political or religious thread... oh wait.

Wrong. I'm actually pulling for you. I want you to come out of this, and regain the respect of those you have disappointed. I have expressed these thoughts clearly and repeatedly in your most recent rehab thread. I am certain you have read them.

Posting the "haters gonna hate" image is a reflection on you, not me. Hating someone requires an emotional investment. Though I am pulling for you, I am not emotionally invested in your success, and will not suffer when you fail.

Your past behavior shows arrogance and immaturity. You're smart enough to know it, yet lack the strength of mind to do anything about it.

That's your call.
Wrong. I'm actually pulling for you. I want you to come out of this, and regain the respect of those you have disappointed. I have expressed these thoughts clearly and repeatedly in your most recent rehab thread. I am certain you have read them.

Posting the "haters gonna hate" image is a reflection on you, not me. Hating someone requires an emotional investment. Though I am pulling for you, I am not emotionally invested in your success, and will not suffer when you fail.

Your past behavior shows arrogance and immaturity. You're smart enough to know it, yet lack the strength of mind to do anything about it.

That's your call.

So let me get this straight: You see me post in a thread, and decide to make a completely irrelevant comment to get a laugh out of everyone at my expense. Then when I respond with a simple joke picture, you play the maturity card (somewhat ironic), and tell me that you actually have my back.

Is that about right?
So let me get this straight: You see me post in a thread, and decide to make a completely irrelevant comment to get a laugh out of everyone at my expense. Then when I respond with a simple joke picture, you play the maturity card (somewhat ironic), and tell me that you actually have my back.

Is that about right?

+1 :321:
So let me get this straight: You see me post in a thread, and decide to make a completely irrelevant comment to get a laugh out of everyone at my expense. Then when I respond with a simple joke picture, you play the maturity card (somewhat ironic), and tell me that you actually have my back.

Is that about right?

Wrong again. I don't "have your back." I'm not going to go to the numerous WF members you have let down, and say, "Lay off TylerL. He doesn't deserve this abuse." (That's "having your back.")

You deserve abuse. You deserve to be the butt of jokes. That is your future here unless you make a comeback. That should be obvious to you. Your OP in the rehab thread all but admitted knowledge of this.

And to be clear, yes. I made a comment to get a chuckle from others at your expense. I will do so again when the mood strikes. It will be rare, but it will happen. It will stop when you are in the good graces of those who trusted you.

That should set the expectation.

If you need me to clarify any of the above, say so.