ComradeWolf's PPC Journal

I've been testing 2 campaigns for 2 weeks, I broke even, but didn't profit. This time I tested them more or less properly: I compared this week's data to the previous one (earlier I just did Tuesday vs Monday, Wednesday vs Tuesday, etc.). I had more conversions on Thursday and Friday, but I have no idea why. Probably by the end of the week people thought that it was about time they solved some of their problems.

I was also split-testing two ads per ad group from the very beginning: if the commercial intent of the KW was pretty low, then no matter how enticing the ad copy was, clicks and conversions were low or non-existent. Though this time I had fewer KWs that would attract people in the "browser" mode. On the other hand, even if the KWs seemed to be of high commercial intent level, CR would sometimes be low.

So.. you already know what to do to get it profitable:

I had more conversions on Thursday and Friday, but I have no idea why

So, don't run the campaign on any other day.. maybe add the third largest day for kicks.

Then kill the worst performing ad group.

The split test some more.


Love the journal, may I ask how you are improving your PPC skills - are you studying copy writing, landing page design etc..?
Thanks a lot, emp! I'll focus on the top 3 days then and split-test them too.

p-t-r, I studied copy (Gary Bencivenga) when I was promoting CB offers using my own LPs, but eventually I stopped because it didn't really work for me (I guess because the offer didn't convert). Design - I used LPs of competitors as a model and then tweaked them to my testing needs.
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I'd like to thank emp for his advice as it helped me get to $90 profit/day on 3 days - that's an all-time high for me. Thanks a lot man!

Hey, seolinker, do you mean if I have covered losses that I suffered in the beginning before profiting? If yes, then I don't think so, I think it will take me some more time.
If you refer to recent campaigns, then there were a couple that were profitable for some time until competition increased and bids became too high.
I've been overwhelmed at work and had little time for testing and posting, but here are the results I have:


Results seem to be quite contoversial (probably except relatively high CR and ad position #3). On the other hand, share of mobile impressions doesn't really correlate with the bid decrease ("-% bid" stands for the percentage decrease in the 1st page bid coupled with +300% mobile bid increase on adwords).

I guess it is all niche dependent. I think this chart will be beneficial for some us because it shows that you should keep testing and not rely on data from 1 offer. If I'm wrong and more experienced affiliates could correct me, I'd really appreciate it.

In terms of profit out of 8 campaigns only 1 turned out to be profitable - about $60 a day. Though it's getting difficult to promote most of the pay per call offers as they are in very competitive niches (insurance, security, surgery) with incredibly high bids (my profitable campaign is in quite a non-competitve niche). I placed a couple of ads in newspapers but they didn't result in amazing results - I spend about $600 on several ads and earned only $270. I could try more placements in other magazines/newspapers, but it is quite expensive.