Colorado Readies For Recreational Marijuana


Mar 7, 2007
Some serious plays being made :rasta:

[ame=""]Colorado readies for recreational marijuana - YouTube[/ame]

They need to legalize this, not sure how cigarette which is harmful to your health is ok to smoke, yet Marijuana isn't, fucking retards
You have to have some massive balls to open a business like that. One election doesn't go your way, laws are changed, and you're SOL.
They need to legalize this, not sure how cigarette which is harmful to your health is ok to smoke, yet Marijuana isn't, fucking retards

this. and it's not physically addictive. maybe its just me but i've noticed a lot of young people like me don't smoke cigarettes and choose weed or meditation to calm their nerves instead. restores my faith in humanity.

anyway, colorado is so late on this shit it's incredible.

[ame=""]Kings of Cannabis (Full Length Documentary) - YouTube[/ame]
Once the government sees how much tax money and how many jobs this brings in.. I don't see it going anywhere.

Your forgetting that nothing comes for free.

The part of the gov that shows its face will get more money. But there are people in the gov who will lose money from this (IRAN contra, Mena airport)
Once the government sees how much tax money and how many jobs this brings in.. I don't see it going anywhere.

Aren't a lot of prisons, correctional institutions, rehabilitation programs, and so on privatized in the US these days? They're probably not very happy with this, and they have some deep pockets.

Prison is big business out that way.
and it's not physically addictive.

Cannabinoid Addiction: Behavioral Models and Neural Correlates

"These models have provided a better understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms involved in THC actions and have revealed common- alities between cannabinoids and other drugs of abuse with re- spect to the addictive processes. Thus, the mesolimbic DA system is clearly involved in the rewarding properties of cannabinoids as well as in the motivational consequences of cannabinoid with- drawal. An alteration in mesolimbic CRF function is also related to the dysphoric effects of cannabinoid abstinence. Bi-directional interactions between the endogenous cannabinoid and opioid systems are crucial for cannabinoid motivational properties and the development of cannabinoid tolerance and dependence."
Good vid from a retired police chief about the stupid fucking drug war..

[ame=]Retired Police Captain demolishes the War on Drugs - YouTube[/ame]

It's not just marijuana that should be "legalized", it's any victimless activity and experience that should not result in kidnapping or theft (fines).

Though I have to say, the talking about "it'll bring massive tax revenue!" is not a positive in my book. It's pretty pathetic actually, "But master, it will bring you more money! Please, let us buy and sell it, we'll give you a cut, will you let us oh lord?"
Meanwhile the last lead smelter closed in the USA....

smoke em if you got em cuz liberty is dieing.
Cannabinoid Addiction: Behavioral Models and Neural Correlates

"These models have provided a better understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms involved in THC actions and have revealed common- alities between cannabinoids and other drugs of abuse with re- spect to the addictive processes. Thus, the mesolimbic DA system is clearly involved in the rewarding properties of cannabinoids as well as in the motivational consequences of cannabinoid with- drawal. An alteration in mesolimbic CRF function is also related to the dysphoric effects of cannabinoid abstinence. Bi-directional interactions between the endogenous cannabinoid and opioid systems are crucial for cannabinoid motivational properties and the development of cannabinoid tolerance and dependence."

Quoting something you don't understand can make you look smart if the people you are quoting to are ignorant about the topic. Otherwise, you just look like a know it all with limited reading and comprehension skills who can use ctr+c ctr+p

You obviously don't understand what physical addiction means. Cannabis can be psychologically addictive, just like food, sex, or virtually anything.

Very few drugs are physically addictive. Even drugs that have a high propensity for psychological addiction are not physically addictive: Tobacco and Cocaine are a perfect example.

Drugs that are physically addictive include alcohol and heroine as well as many prescription drugs. Those are the ones that produce hallucination, censure, and other such physical symptoms. Such symptoms can be fatal.

To put it another way: Psychological dependance = you REALLY want it bad because you think you need it
Physical dependance: The tissue in your brain has literally changed, and if you stop taking it, your BODY (not your mind) will go fucking haywire.

Even the gov understands this, that is why heroin addicts get methadone. No one is giving pot heads who quit fake and low dose marijuana.

Comic relief on the topic:

[ame=""]Bob Saget from Half Baked: "I Used to Suck dick for coke!" - YouTube[/ame]
There will be a lot more of this happening in Colorado


Really just needed an excuse to post a centipede attacking a snake. Nothing to do with weed.
Quoting something you don't understand can make you look smart if the people you are quoting to are ignorant about the topic. Otherwise, you just look like a know it all with limited reading and comprehension skills who can use ctr+c ctr+p

You obviously don't understand what physical addiction means. Cannabis can be psychologically addictive, just like food, sex, or virtually anything.

Very few drugs are physically addictive. Even drugs that have a high propensity for psychological addiction are not physically addictive: Tobacco and Cocaine are a perfect example.

Drugs that are physically addictive include alcohol and heroine as well as many prescription drugs. Those are the ones that produce hallucination, censure, and other such physical symptoms. Such symptoms can be fatal.

To put it another way: Psychological dependance = you REALLY want it bad because you think you need it
Physical dependance: The tissue in your brain has literally changed, and if you stop taking it, your BODY (not your mind) will go fucking haywire.

Even the gov understands this, that is why heroin addicts get methadone. No one is giving pot heads who quit fake and low dose marijuana.

Comic relief on the topic:

Bob Saget from Half Baked: "I Used to Suck dick for coke!" - YouTube

That's cute. I've not only smoked pounds of marijuana, but I've also suffered withdrawal, and I've also worked in the treatment industry for half a decade. I also have a related degree. I also study this shit for fun.

You do realize that there are physiological correlates to every psychological "movement" you have? Your mind isn't just some hologram floating in the ether, a soul or spirit. It is tied to that big chunk of meat in your head, regardless of which has primacy.
Colorado Readies For Recreational Marijuana
And the DEA readies for a raid on the first place to sell it... It'll be on a Monday morning
just before the store can do a bank drop of all the money they made from the weekend sales.
They need to legalize this, not sure how cigarette which is harmful to your health is ok to smoke, yet Marijuana isn't, fucking retards

You're making the mistake of believing these laws exist for health reasons.

If you ask the wrong questions you'll get the wrong answers. Ask the right questions and things become obvious.

In the case of seemingly arbitrary legislation - a good question to start with is "cui bono?" That question alone will usually lead to the answers you seek.
That's cute. I've not only smoked pounds of marijuana, but I've also suffered withdrawal, and I've also worked in the treatment industry for half a decade. I also have a related degree. I also study this shit for fun.

Awesome appeal to authority. But I don't see anything that refutes the points being made.

You do realize that there are physiological correlates to every psychological "movement" you have? Your mind isn't just some hologram floating in the ether, a soul or spirit. It is tied to that big chunk of meat in your head, regardless of which has primacy.

Non sequitur.

Let me clarify this for you:

kumansk states something that is correct: Marijuana does not create physical dependance.

You argue against this

I clarify kumansk is indeed right.

Now, if your point is that even though it isn't physically, psychological dependance can be a bitch. I completely agree with this last part. People suck cock for coke and that is 'only a psychological addiction'. Still no one sucks cock for weed. It can be mildly addictive, but even then coffee is more addictive, and that is the single most socially accepted drug in the world.

Also, all this talk about it being non-harmful misses the point that any law preventing consensual adult behavior done in the privacy of private property will ultimately damage society at large while benefiting a select few.

And the most important point of all; when is it safe to start profiting from this shit without fear of getting locked in a cage and raped.