College... meh

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aim high

New member
Jun 3, 2008
i just finished my first year of college and i thought the experience was great and all but the academics seemed like useless crap to me. maybe its because im taking general classes, idk. i've been exposed to internet marketing for about a year and its opened my eyes to how many ways someone can make money and i think thats been a "ball and chain" kind of thing to me, not in a bad way. knowing that affiliate marketing exists doesn't make me "try" anymore in school. i really half assed my way this year too. like a 3.2 gpa or something. i see all these kids going to class, hanging out and doing nothing else but following this "mold" of college and waiting to graduate to find a job. i really don't know what im getting at right now. maybe its because i feel like college wasn't the intellectual enlightening i thought it would be when i was in highschool. i feel like i've learned more about being a person and developing myself then anything academically.

end. any comments?

Do a proper course in something you're interested in. My degree actually teaches me stuff that I care about (and should help me make teh monies).

Good luck bro.
Are the lecturers going to know more than wickedfire on that stuff? Maybe they will...
If you're making money, who says you need to stay at uni?
Take some marketing classes, they will be useful in your IM efforts. All the liberal arts/general classes are useless BS.
You should have a conversation with Uber. Maybe you can trade places. He'll go to school and live the college lifestyle, and you'll take over making bank and realizing that a bachelors degree is a waste of time and money.
Same here, actually my last exam is Wednesday, and I sadly pretty much already knew everything I was "taught" this year. I just hope I'll end up learning some useful stuff in the next 2 years. Otherwise I'll at least have the sheet of paper that testifies I REALLY have learnt stuff I already knew. Majoring in Computer Science (Hons) at McGill University btw
You should have a conversation with Uber. Maybe you can trade places. He'll go to school and live the college lifestyle, and you'll take over making bank and realizing that a bachelors degree is a waste of time and money.

I kind of feel the same way-- just about to finish up my first year of college myself. However, I don't think that learning more about yourself is such a bad thing. I think that is what college is mainly about, not just academics. Hopefully in the next few years I will learn more because I will be taking more classes focused on my major (Computer Science)
I have an Econ degree. College was a blast, didn't really help for shit though.
The problem is most people dont know what they want to do when they get to college. Ive almost got my BS in Computer Networking and i cant wait to graduate and not get a job related to this at all. I hate being an IT guy already. I wish i had gotten a job right out of high school related to the field i wanted to go into so i didnt waste my time studying for a job i didnt like.

I recommend making monies and if you find something you like out in the real world, go to school for that.
That's the fundamental flaw for people like you and me. Once you know what's really out there and understand the concepts of how to get there, you lose interest in the educational system (college) that is built for those who don't yet know the concepts and what's actually out there. We are the ones who are already out there seeking the knowledge and truth while those stuck behind general education classes are being babyed to the point where they can actually think and act on their own account to seek out that knowledge/truth.
College for me was great. Slept with lots of girls who will be ugly in another ten years, so I got them while they were ripe. Learned which beers I like and which ones make me have migraines like a total useless pansy. Figured out that my journalism teachers were full of shit, which took about five minutes. Coasted the rest of the four years.

Mostly college was good for getting together with my bandmates, and we started earning money on our own our sophomore year. Two of us are still together ten years later, still make bank every May/June/July during wedding season, Internet market my ass off the rest of the year and make good money doing that, too.

I do feel pretty pissed about paying $20k a year for a completely useless and bogus education experience, but then, it did give me access to those babes.
Listen - with the exception of specific 'trades' (medical, technical, law), college in this era is simply an exercise in manipulating the proverbial system. It is a WONDERFUL and thorough experience - I graduated from UCLA with a degree in Communications, minor in Sociology with a specialization in Business Administration - but the education aspect is woefully lacking. This is not because of the classes, nor the professors, nor the curriculum. . .this is because the nature of the paradigm is to teach students how to 'survive' in the world, more than to enlighten our underdeveloped brains. It IS true that 'what you get out of it is determined by what you put into it,' but in this society, any major (again, aside from technical or specific schooling; also include mathematics-related fields in the above trilogy) is taught in such a generic fashion that you don't really 'learn' anything except how to grow and succeed as a person.

For me, the EXPERIENCE was absolutely awesome and beneficial, but the education was lackluster. I can only speak on my personal four years (plus one additional quarter), but that is how I feel - a much stronger, more complete person that is edified and educated. . .but not necessarily from a technical or 'real world preparation' perspective.

ps - Moral of the story here: If you're having fun or learning about 'life,' stay in school; if you feel like you're wasting your time, you probably are. Do what's best for you, and note that every person is different (as is each school).
I know exactly what you're going through.

When I was in your shoes (that is, just finishing up my first year), I had this enormous feeling of "what the fuck am I doing". I considered changing majors, joining the military, all kinds of stupid shit.

Then I got over it, spent the summer playing video games, and went back in the fall. Now, I'll be graduating in two weeks.

If you think you'll be employable after college, just stick with it. Don't place all your hopes on making monies online, it doesn't work out well for everybody.
Listen - with the exception of specific 'trades' (medical, technical, law), college in this era is simply an exercise in manipulating the proverbial system. It is a WONDERFUL and thorough experience - I graduated from UCLA with a degree in Communications, minor in Sociology with a specialization in Business Administration - but the education aspect is woefully lacking. This is not because of the classes, nor the professors, nor the curriculum. . .this is because the nature of the paradigm is to teach students how to 'survive' in the world, more than to enlighten our underdeveloped brains. It IS true that 'what you get out of it is determined by what you put into it,' but in this society, any major (again, aside from technical or specific schooling; also include mathematics-related fields in the above trilogy) is taught in such a generic fashion that you don't really 'learn' anything except how to grow and succeed as a person.

For me, the EXPERIENCE was absolutely awesome and beneficial, but the education was lackluster. I can only speak on my personal four years (plus one additional quarter), but that is how I feel - a much stronger, more complete person that is edified and educated. . .but not necessarily from a technical or 'real world preparation' perspective.

ps - Moral of the story here: If you're having fun or learning about 'life,' stay in school; if you feel like you're wasting your time, you probably are. Do what's best for you, and note that every person is different (as is each school).

life = Beer, Vagina, and Combinations of the two

You should have a conversation with Uber. Maybe you can trade places. He'll go to school and live the college lifestyle, and you'll take over making bank and realizing that a bachelors degree is a waste of time and money.
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