Clickbooth Acquiring MarketLeverage.

If it's true - it's great. I was not able to be accepted in ML, cause of really stupid policy. I was needed to provide ENGLISH reference from US bank in my country, are they that stupid ? Have heard a lot of good things though (I wouldn't apply to them if it was not the case). But had no problems to be accepted in CB. Their management more open-minded which is why they acquire them and not vica versa LOL.
If it's true - it's great. I was not able to be accepted in ML, cause of really stupid policy. I was needed to provide ENGLISH reference from US bank in my country, are they that stupid ? Have heard a lot of good things though (I wouldn't apply to them if it was not the case). But had no problems to be accepted in CB. Their management more open-minded which is why they acquire them and not vica versa LOL.
Why is that such a stupid policy? If I owned a network, I'd want my publishers to be able to put a few sentences together. Most networks DO have that policy considering a large majority of publishers push US offers. Marketleverage wouldn't of been able to acquire Clickbooth if they wanted too. Clickbooth is a huge company. Marketleverage is fairly small.
I've got some good contacts at CB. Not as good as I used to -- they have some obscene attrition rates -- but good enough.

The word is that both are Florida companies, that Lemp had a good rapport w/ the ML founder, both are DirectTrack. No word yet on how it would go down as far as actual consolidation of operations goes.

Also, and I think this is unrelated, but CB is opening an office somewhere in Cali. My inference is that it's just a sales office, not technology or ops.
Interesting. Havent heard any rumors of this yet but I worked as a mailer with Market Leverage and when Kyle left, it sorta when up an down with new people. Couldnt work with them as a network either, just a pain. Clickbooth has their shit together though so I could see them taking this merger and making some big moves with the ML pub and advertiser base.

Aggressive end of the year for CB and looks to be an aggressive head start into 2011. Good on them. Worked with Geoff over at CB for over a year now and I have to say he's been one of the consistent managers at another network we have worked with.
CB haters gonna hate. They're one of the biggest and baddest out there (they just don't have anyone sucking their dick on forums).
Those are the first 2 networks I worked with, but I've moved on to bigger and better. I don't see this changing much, as they seem to run similar offers.
Why is that such a stupid policy? If I owned a network, I'd want my publishers to be able to put a few sentences together. Most networks DO have that policy considering a large majority of publishers push US offers. Marketleverage wouldn't of been able to acquire Clickbooth if they wanted too. Clickbooth is a huge company. Marketleverage is fairly small.

That's why you may write good content but still didn't understand what I mean. Do you realise whole world is not US ? That main and official language there are NOT english ? That laws here are not as in US ? And most importantly cause of all that above there can't be US bank there lol

Yes, most networks obviously need you understand and even speak with them, but not that demanding bullshit.

It's not simply US reference from someone in US or so... it's from US institute there and not in US)
That's why you may write good content but still didn't understand what I mean. Do you realise whole world is not US ? That main and official language there are NOT english ? That laws here are not as in US ? And most importantly cause of all that above there can't be US bank there lol

Yes, most networks obviously need you understand and even speak with them, but not that demanding bullshit.

It's not simply US reference from someone in US or so... it's from US institute there and not in US)
Wait, there are other countries in the world? No fucking shit idiot. My point was that a large majority AM's speak and understand English only so they institute that policy so that communication can be open and clear.
Why is that such a stupid policy? If I owned a network, I'd want my publishers to be able to put a few sentences together. Most networks DO have that policy considering a large majority of publishers push US offers. Marketleverage wouldn't of been able to acquire Clickbooth if they wanted too. Clickbooth is a huge company. Marketleverage is fairly small.

you, sir, are full of shit. Most networks want pubs that push legit traffic, not pubs that speak perfect oxford english. I can name you at least 5 huge affiliates that speak really crappy english but push great and legit volume.

if you're going to hate, at least get your facts straight. Seolinker seems like he understands and writes english well enough to run on any network out there.

@CB: They're OK. huge margins but at least my AM answers me even on a sunday at 9am. This buyout will get em a lot of mailers and john chow lovers.
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I applied to ML a while back, they asked me send over some docs, which i did and then they just went cold. The guy who sent me email was always away on phone and never on AIM. they just dont use AIM at all.

am on CB, so hopefully they bring all offers from ML to their platform so we can make some monies
One of their AM's called me and was asking what I was doing to "SEO" my sites. I told him I focused on paid traffic and didn't do any SEO. He told me that this was bad and that I needed to be doing SEO too. He then asked to see a few LP's so that he could verify I knew what I was doing on the internet or something. I told him to lick my balls.
Wait, there are other countries in the world? No fucking shit idiot. My point was that a large majority AM's speak and understand English only so they institute that policy so that communication can be open and clear.

I think what seolinker was trying to say is that ML was requesting a written reference in English from a United States bank with an international branch in the Ukraine. However, as I understand him, there aren't any such US banks near him. Therefore, what ML was asking of him was practically impossible to obtain.
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I think what seolinker was trying to say is that ML was requesting a written reference in English from a United States bank with an international branch in the Ukraine. However, as I understand him, there aren't any such US banks near him. Therefore, what ML was asking of him was practically impossible to obtain.
Gotcha, THAT makes sense.