sick math bro
I was working it out too quickly. I'm as retarded as the people who agree with that meme.
sick math bro
Raising the minimum wage to $15 would only increase the cost of a Big Mac by between $0.68 to $1.25 (depending on whose study you believe), and increase the amount of money the typical American spends at Walmart by $18-20 per year.
Raising the minimum wage to $10.10 would only increase the cost of a Big Mac by between $0.40 to $.85, and the amount spent at Walmart by year to $12-$14.
Meanwhile, millions of people are lifted out of poverty.
If the minimum wage was raised to $100 a Big Mac would go from $3.99 to $12.83. Who cares about the cost of a $13 Big Mac when you're making $100 an hour. To hell with being lifted out of poverty, we'd all be fucking rich.
Of course, like the people who conducted those studies I didn't take in to account the increased cost of all capital goods and other workers making more than minimum wage who will expect an equally proportionate wage increase for their skill set.
I've worked for minimum wage before and was grateful for the opportunity - and then I turned 17.
Congrats to mikeshinobi on the most effective troll post I've seen this month. There should be an award for this category at the WF oscars.
And what makes you think I didn't set those trollings up? :evil_laughter:i kinda find that interesting, coming from the most trollable bastard this forum has ever seen.
Pretty terrifying for everyone of all income levels when you think about it.
Short term: we need poor people/working class people to have enough expendable income to buy shit we sell.
Long term: in like 10 years even doctors and gay webmasters could be replaced with software/kiosks/dickroll bots/etc.
I think people should be paid according to minimum cost of living in their area. Now I don't know how it's calculated, but I know it definitely isn't a livable wage like it was meant to be.
No one can progress on $200/week unless they live with their parents, at least in Florida. Yea, you could argue that these are just jobs meant for teenagers, but not everyone has the same circumstances.
USPS "mailmen" (public/government institution) make an average of $56k/year and all they do is weigh and sort your shit.
Why could they make a decent living wage, yet someone who works at a restaurant (private institution) who works much harder only make maybe half that?
Capitalism isn't the problem, though. It's pussy politicians that are scared of being called socialists whenever they confront problems like these.
If you want 100% capitalism, then keep dreaming because that's not going to happen simply because the world isn't perfect.
Now, I want to put as much profit as possible into my pocket. No doubt about that, but the system is fucked and it needs to change.
If the minimum wage was raised to $100 a Big Mac would go from $3.99 to $12.83. Who cares about the cost of a $13 Big Mac when you're making $100 an hour. To hell with being lifted out of poverty, we'd all be fucking rich.
I think people should be paid according to minimum cost of living in their area. Now I don't know how it's calculated, but I know it definitely isn't a livable wage like it was meant to be.
No one can progress on $200/week unless they live with their parents, at least in Florida. Yea, you could argue that these are just jobs meant for teenagers, but not everyone has the same circumstances.
USPS "mailmen" (public/government institution) make an average of $56k/year and all they do is weigh and sort your shit.
Why could they make a decent living wage, yet someone who works at a restaurant (private institution) who works much harder only make maybe half that?
Capitalism isn't the problem, though. It's pussy politicians that are scared of being called socialists whenever they confront problems like these.
If you want 100% capitalism, then keep dreaming because that's not going to happen simply because the world isn't perfect.
Now, I want to put as much profit as possible into my pocket. No doubt about that, but the system is fucked and it needs to change.