Check This Out "Pornography"

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Whatever happened to that thing with the 50 million popups that existed in the mid-late 90's with the guy stretching out his asshole and the audio going "I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORN" on full volume. God that was both disturbing and funny as all hell at the same time. I used to send it out to the admins at my school's computer room and to some people at my dad's office who had speakers. I bet some people got the axe for it too somewhere down the line.
Dont remember that one.

My sister sent me one awhile back 98ish, (I barely new how to open an e-mail back then), but you open the file it shows all your files being deleted and theres no way to stop it. I about shit myself, but at the end it shows an ad for some anti virus software.
Whatever happened to that thing with the 50 million popups that existed in the mid-late 90's with the guy stretching out his asshole and the audio going "I'M LOOKING AT GAY PORN" on full volume.

I think I found that one a couple of months ago on Wikipedia while researching internet phenomenons & shock sites...this page may contain the link to it, but I have too many things running on my pc to risk testing it now...;)
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