Check out this ebay marketing ;)...

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Buy my haunted McDonalds burger wrapper complete with haunted ketchup stains and melted cheese for only $70. I will thrown in a free haunted napkin if you buy within 24 hours - note: the napkin is used. It could be used by just a regular human or a haunted ghoul. I'm not responsible for your anger at getting the former, or your nightmares from getting the latter.

Buy my haunted McDonalds burger wrapper complete with haunted ketchup stains and melted cheese for only $70. I will thrown in a free haunted napkin if you buy within 24 hours - note: the napkin is used. It could be used by just a regular human or a haunted ghoul. I'm not responsible for your anger at getting the former, or your nightmares from getting the latter.

Just lol.
this was a subject of a bh site wso

this guy was selling a wso on another site about this and he sold a lot of them
I've seen much stranger shit sell for thousands upon thousands on eBay, there are actually musiums dedicated to weird shit and buying them for outrageous amounts of cash.
Anyone remember that grilled cheese sandwich that apparently looked like the Virgin Mary?

That was a fucked up auction.
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