CHEAP/AFFORDABLE PSD Web Design and Logos, Banners, HTML/CSS, Wordpress Themes, Icons

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James has done some work for me (PSD to WP) and it's incredible, I have been extremely happy and satisfied. His work is done on-time, it works as I request it to work, and he even goes further than what I request to ensure complete satisfaction.

I am giving him a lot more work and I highly suggest anyone looking for design or coding hire him and you will not regret it!
This guy is excellent. I have used him for over 20 design projects and will bring more to him in the future.

Got contacted by James in a moment when I was about o get a new banner so he told me do it for a review :)

Well the banner is in my sig so you guys can all see it :)

we had some chats on msn before and I practically gave him free hands.

He got it done quick as well when he started, I had hi made 3 adjustments on it straight away when I got it and he did it straight away until I was happy with the design. Form wha I understand so does he charge $17 per banner and I would more than be happy to pay $17 for this.


I contacted James for a complete redesign of a site. I wanted a custom Wordpress theme and needed the theme coded. I told James what I was looking for and he provided input. The turnaround time was excellent in my opinion. The pricing was excellent for the quality of work and communication I received. Luckily for me, he's from Australia and tends to keep the same hours as I do, because I like to work nights.

I'm probably a pain to work with, because I'm so detail-oriented, but James was happy to help me all along the way. He has already been told about another project I'll be giving him in the next couple days.

I would definitely recommend him to anybody on this forum!
Ooooh, you need to move away from them. Namecheap & hostgator or something for hosting.
I was going to transfer it away, but I've been way too busy. I would never use, but the mob I bought the domain from uses
My site needed to be updated and I asked James to have a look and come up with some suggestions. They sound good and within the kind of budget I was after, so I placed the order.

The redesign has transformed my site so it's much crisper, modern and suitable for my particular niche. The design was done with very little input from me so James obviously knows what he's doing.

I received the original psd for the buttons which I asked for, as I have a lot of buttons scattered throughout the site and it's handy being able to amend the text.

James also cut the graphics for the menus and background into 1 pixel wide strips, so they were ready to slot into my existing site with no effort. If you are not a web person, this is a technique to greatly reduce the size of the graphic to speed up load times for a web page.

I would recommend this service.
I just got done working with James. He's very professional and delivers on time and responds to emails in a timely manner. Oh yeah forgot to mention the designs are really nice too.
Hey James,

Thanks for the email the other day. The banner is being done by someone else, but we appreciate your quick response...

We've got lots of other work, though.

We are looking for someone to do a world-class, kick-ass, and innovative design for our facebook page and our Twitter page. If you've up to the challenge, please provide link to sample designs you've done, turnaround and reasonable quote for both. We want to start it today and have it done over the next few days....

Yep that's how weird we are.

Your stuff looks really nice, what would you typically charge for a single-page lander?
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