Charlie sheen got 700k followers in twitter in 9 hrs

Wonder how much he received from DirectTV for the little twitpic?

Probably nothing. With the DirectTV logo bouncing around, the genius that is Sheen realized that he could hold up his hands and recreate the video game Pong.
He's over 1million followers now.

It's interesting to see who Sheen is following.

Nicky Hilton
Will Arnett
George Lopez
Minka Kelly
Sarah Silverman
Paul Scheer
Fred Durst
Floyd Mayweather
Brian Wilson
Nick Swisher
Diddy Combs or whatever he's called today
Cat Schwartz
Wynner Mitchell
Piers Morgan
Howard Stern
Alyssa Milano
Chris Ovitz
Omid Ashtari
Bree Olson
Bob Maron
LOL he called Hugh Hefner an amateur, hope this lasts a bit longer it's awesome fun
Exactly. The dude, whether he's crazy or not, is set for life. He made his bank, and now he doesn't give a fuck. He could chill for the rest of his life. He's simply been given the platform to troll the fuck out of the entire world. Respect.

^ This. Preach. +reps
Why can we not help but watch him? I realized yesterday (I had the TV behind me) that I keep turning around every time they said his name on the news. I ignored vitrually everything else they said.
Apparently, his video was more effective than a sex tape. And a hell of a lot more funny.