CHALLENGER - Web2.0, Doc Share, Wikis, Videos, Pins, Social Media Signals - Exclusive

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Got my review.....WOW

Web 2.0 these look like a million bucks. Great photos and videos were used. makes it look not at all spammy but like you will build on this.

Doc sharing all looking good

Videos they were quick but right to the point. Can use over again inside more web 2.0 sites in the future

Wikis are nice and spun

Overall this is a GREAT package and the price justifys what will be done!

wizzard said:
My review:

OP was very kind to give me a review copy of his Challenger service.

I will start with the High PR(7-9)Web 2.0 properties which are great with 100% Human Readable spunned content at sentence level. They really look like real blogs, each with different pics related to my article and with embed video(youtube and vimeo to avoid footprints).

Videos are also custom made by op with my link in description and keyword optimized. Actually they already started to gain views and likes. All the web2.0 are already indexed. This is how Web2.0's should like like!

I also received a lot of diverse backlinks like quality High PR dofollow wikis and doc sharing websites. The most important in my opinion - Multiple Social Signals: Pinterest pins that are great for SEO after Panda and Penguin updates.

I already saw some MAJOR serp movement and I will update the topic with my serp position in 1-2 weeks.

For the stated price this services is a steal !

Overall, If you're looking for a service with great diversity I think this is one of the best post-penguin SEO services.

Blacknite said:

Received my package today. Everything looks solid. There were a couple of problems that were fixed immediately. Customer service is excellent.

The site wasn't really ranking and hasn't had much work done prior to the service. Since the service the site has gone from all but one keyword unranked to 6 keywords in the 100-200 range now and that's only with 6 links indexed so far.

Waiting to see how it does after everything gets indexed.

As for quality, I was happy to see this didn't have a bunch of garbage spins. Some effort was taken to try and make it readable and still unique.

Overall, results are what count and so far it's looking pretty good.

Remember to use the coupon code: WFexclusive
and take advantage of the special price.
Youcandoit you can use up to 10 URLs, if you like, as long as the URLs can use the same keywords.

Taking new order today.
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