Cell Phone

You can't go wrong with the iphone. I was completely content with my shitty alias until i picked up a 4s last month.

how i lived my previous years without a smartphone, i do not know....

I'm also stuck with iphone 4s and android choice.. not sure what to buy. right now I own Nokia N97 but its retarded now.. compared to other phones.

Although I don't agree that iPhone is marketed heavily bcz here in India whenever iPhone launches a product it reaches the market after a month or so.. Although this 4s thing launched within a month after it was launched in October in US.

What about iphone 5.. When its coming? I can wait for 3 or so months..
I have a low end android. Worse decision ever. Should of paid the extra money to get a phone with more then 165mb ram =/.

lesson learned.
Down here the provider ran a huge special to get an iPhone for essentially nothing for signing a 1 year contract.

They are bringing the iPhone 4S early next year.

Due to the promo everyone in CR has an iPhone.