CDC confirms first Ebola case diagnosed in the United States

Thanks #diversity thanks #openborders.

Way to go liberals, you will quite literally bring about the destruction of the West like you always wanted.

People saying this won't spread? What do you think happens if it makes its way to the ghetto of sub 85 IQ people and crack addicts? It will look like Africa in a week.
Fukking idiots, I will run into the mountains where there are no negroes, arabs or pakis. Can live off the land, catch my meals in the sea. Good thing I have a house there.

Have a great time being #openminded in Londonistan.
At least the .gov has been stocking up and preparing for this the last 2 or 3 years. Billions of rounds of ammo, millions of body bags, military surplus vehicles in most police departments, and now high schools and universities. Thank god Obama just signed an EO last month where the fed can disapeer you for respiratory issues. And I'm even more greatful for his EO from 2 years ago authorizing .gov confiscation of resources (food, meds ect).

Sorry to lazy to source all those. Just plug any detail into google if you question it.

Btw. This is all about selling vaccines.
At least the .gov has been stocking up and preparing for this the last 2 or 3 years. Billions of rounds of ammo, millions of body bags, military surplus vehicles in most police departments, and now high schools and universities. Thank god Obama just signed an EO last month where the fed can disapeer you for respiratory issues. And I'm even more greatful for his EO from 2 years ago authorizing .gov confiscation of resources (food, meds ect).

Sorry to lazy to source all those. Just plug any detail into google if you question it.

Btw. This is all about selling vaccines.

Can you link to the EO's please?
Y'all are seeing conspiracies where there are none.

Agent detection - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On Wickedfire?

No way.

Going to take the DmnEPC route and you can go through my post history if you want an explanation as to why the former party has no fucking clue what those EOs were about or what they actually cover.

Too many folks here who will spend hours digging through a library for the right snippet of code but can't possibly be bothered to actually read government documents or put them into historical context before jumping off the first bridge that presents itself.
media hype - the person was brought back from West Africa with the suspicion of contraction, but wasn't officially diagnosed until here
Thanks #diversity thanks #openborders.

Way to go liberals, you will quite literally bring about the destruction of the West like you always wanted.
erm..wft are you blabbering about? we haven't had a liberal administration since clinton. patriot act, homeland security, less and less liberties. and obamba just adding onto what the neocons like chaney have created.

People saying this won't spread? What do you think happens if it makes its way to the ghetto of sub 85 IQ people and crack addicts? It will look like Africa in a week.
what we really need is to completely block all air traffic and immigration coming in from africa. srsly. how else to stop the spread.
media hype - the person was brought back from West Africa with the suspicion of contraction, but wasn't officially diagnosed until here

The article in OP says he was here 6 days before he sought treatment...

The patient sought treatment six days after arriving in Texas on Sept. 20, Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), told reporters on Tuesday. He was admitted two days later to an isolation room at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas.

Asked whether the patient was a U.S. citizen, Frieden described the person as a visitor to family in the country.

#1 isn't as scary as you're making it sound.

#2 has been in place since I think Kennedy was President. It's nothing new.

But anyway, so when are the quarantines starting? Didn't several countries have those during the swine flu outbreak years ago? If you were suspected of having swine flu, you got shoved into quarantine for a couple weeks before being allowed in the country.

#1 isn't as scary as you're making it sound.

#2 has been in place since I think Kennedy was President. It's nothing new.

But anyway, so when are the quarantines starting? Didn't several countries have those during the swine flu outbreak years ago? If you were suspected of having swine flu, you got shoved into quarantine for a couple weeks before being allowed in the country.

How is that not scary? Instead of going to your doctor, the Feds decide your fate. Ya good luck bro

#2. I'll take your word on that, but why does he need to signn a new one? They couldn't pass legislation in the last 50 years to handle that?
How is that not scary? Instead of going to your doctor, the Feds decide your fate. Ya good luck bro

Well, let's wait for the death panels to mobilize first, before we get all worried about them.

#2. I'll take your word on that, but why does he need to signn a new one? They couldn't pass legislation in the last 50 years to handle that?

I can't remember, but I remember reading something about it. They needed to amend it for the internet age & cyber security, or something to that effect. Pretty near every country has had similar legislation in place forever, basically. If shit hits the fan (ie. the Chinese invade or something), then the military gets dibs over, well... everything. Land, highways, railways, airports, communication networks, factories, waterways, agriculture, etc. It's nothing new.
Well, let's wait for the death panels to mobilize first, before we get all worried about them.

I can't remember, but I remember reading something about it. They needed to amend it for the internet age & cyber security, or something to that effect. Pretty near every country has had similar legislation in place forever, basically. If shit hits the fan (ie. the Chinese invade or something), then the military gets dibs over, well... everything. Land, highways, railways, airports, communication networks, factories, waterways, agriculture, etc. It's nothing new.

Damn you and your memory. Now I have to back and research this. I was trying to be lazy in this thread. Now you guys got me doing all this work
media hype - the person was brought back from West Africa with the suspicion of contraction, but wasn't officially diagnosed until here

Where do you get that from? If that was the case he would have been in quarantine the whole time as with the previous cases, but from everything I've read and watched, and from what Shindig said, he was freely walking around in the community for days.

He arrived on the 20th, started to get ill on the 24th, sought treatment on the 26th, and wasn't put into isolation until the 28th.

8 days to spread that shit around.

Should Americans worry after 1st Ebola diagnosis in US? -

I'm surprised how many experts on infectious diseases there are on WF.

I'm surprised you feel the need to be a smart ass... oh, no, wait.