Catching User Search Queries

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
Do you have a search box on your website? If so, do you log your user's search queries?

I do, and I've found it to be an invaluable tool for finding keyphrases to target. Not everybody thinks alike, no matter how long and hard you think... you'll be hard pressed to find any better keyphrases than the ones your users use themselves.

Thats a good idea, when i finish my CMS i'll make sure i add that :)

edit: how do u log the keyphrases? I was thinking of using MySQL, but there would probly be an easier/more efficient way.
Dave said:
Thats a good idea, when i finish my CMS i'll make sure i add that :)

edit: how do u log the keyphrases? I was thinking of using MySQL, but there would probly be an easier/more efficient way.
Exactly that, I just throw them all into a table when I run the query through the db. When ever I feel like looking through them (usually weekly), I sort them and group the multiples together, then export them into a CSV file by date and clear the table.
Great suggestion. I've periodically logged other user input for various things, but for some reason never had it occurr to me to log searches. Easy and quick addition too.
a.titus1 said:
Great suggestion. I've periodically logged other user input for various things, but for some reason never had it occurr to me to log searches. Easy and quick addition too.
I'm glad you liked it, I can't really take credit for it though. I picked it up from Lee when he was on an unnamed radio show :p .
WallaceCleaver said:
I would do this but I replaced the site search on my web site with the search box from Google. I'll try and get money anywhere I can.
You get paid for those things? Since when? Are we thinking about the same thing? The little search box with the google logo next to with with the option to search google's db or "this site"?
kyleirwin said:
You get paid for those things? Since when? Are we thinking about the same thing? The little search box with the google logo next to with with the option to search google's db or "this site"?

ppl have to click the ads on the search results page.
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