Cat Owners, CatGenie is the shit

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Hello friend,

So toilet buy for cat more expensive then toilet for people and it no work?

Good luck bro.

3 dollar plastic pan ftw

Seriously. They make biodegradable litter pans that are meant to be disposed of within a week, too. Throw in some litter, scoop it out daily and throw it down the toilet (Feline Pine is great for that), and then just throw the whole litter box out in a week or so. Less work than your shit soup machine, it seems.

My two spoiled Siamese refuse to use anything other than the standard litter box with that expensive $15/jar crystal litter. The jar is supposed to last a month with two cats. Mine refuse to use it after just a few days. Solid waste must be scooped out immediately or they will sit just outside the door and wail. I actually had the little dears toilet trained for while. Then one of them fell into the toilet... and that was the end of that.
I actually had the little dears toilet trained for while. Then one of them fell into the toilet... and that was the end of that.

lol that's something that would certainly save on litter costs.

Why didn't you keep up with it? You know the old saying, if at first you fall in the toilet, try, try again.

For those concerned with my dramatic events with CatGenie, I figured out today that what is causing the NEW problem is grass.

No, my cat hasn't started hanging out with productionhead, she's eating grass not mushrooms.

I started growing cat grass last week, and apparently the machine isn't equipped to handle that. People were having the same issue with hairballs and fur, and then they release a new TURBO HOPPER®! Now with 2X the power!

I don't know if my machine has the turbo hopper, but they are sending me one.

I wish they'd also send me the TURBO SCOOP®! with 2X the ability to pick up turds!

Maybe they could also send me the TURBO SANITIZER®! Now with 2X less 'crackhead's bathroom' scent!

Freakin douchers...I had to order the turbo scoop and pay only $5 ... plus $15 for shipping.

They said they were going to send me a coupon in November which I never did get, that would have at least covered the damn scoop.

I also refuse to buy any more of their $30 + shipping CatGenie Washable Granules. Ripoff. They are just freakin PVC pellets! You can get twice the amount on ebay for $5.

Regardless, I want some damn free CatGenie Washable Granules for all the shit I've had to put up with, and all the boxes I've had to throw out because they got ruined when the machine malfunctioned.

I want my cat to feel like she's shitting in style, I don't want her feeling like shes some barn cat, or some whore tabby cat, dumping under someone's porch.

She's got pink claws, she can't be shitting on no name brand PVC pellets...
lol that's something that would certainly save on litter costs.

Why didn't you keep up with it? You know the old saying, if at first you fall in the toilet, try, try again.

Ha, well, after "the incident" neither one would go any where near the toilet, and I can't say I blame them. I'm a touch OCD about cleanliness too, so to have a toilet water soaked cat running around the house was a bit horrifying for me. So, it was back to the normal litter routine, killing whales, etc. It was convenient, though, while it lasted. If you're patient I'd give it a go.

And I'm just kidding about killing the whales. No whales died on our accord, both cats are parasite free.
She's got pink claws, she can't be shitting on no name brand PVC pellets...

Speaking of colored claws...I have completely emasculated my poor mancat. The leather dining room chairs are safe, though.

haha, should have known it would be all chicks in the cat thread.

On another note, whats a good course of action for an old cat who sometimes forgets to use the litter box? He has been good for most of his life but in his old age with his kitty dementia he misses/cant find it/doesnt give a shit and finds another place to do his duty a good 10%-20% of the time now. It's not a litter-box cleanliness issue because I keep it clean. Luckily I don't have carpets, and I have gotten creative with the placement of a second litter box (stickin it in the corner he sometimes dueces in), and it will help sometimes but eventually he uses another spot.

Should I try different litter? I haven't changed it in years...maybe old ass cats get picky. I don't know. He is in perfect health and is 14 years old but if I cant figure out the problem I may have to put him down.

Oh and for the record im not really a cat guy, i kind of got roped into taking them a few years ago and really have no idea how to train kittens, let alone retrain old ass cats
Really? I don't think killing an otherwise healthy cat for litter box issues is an appropriate solution.

Try this website: Inappropriate Elimination (Urination, Defecation, Spraying) in Cats

Don't get me wrong, it would be a last resort and I would much rather correct the problem or find another home. But it wasn't my cat to begin with and these new hardwood floors were too expensive.

Great site though. I appreciate it. I had found a few others that were ok but this seems to be the best.
Don't get me wrong, it would be a last resort and I would much rather correct the problem or find another home. But it wasn't my cat to begin with and these new hardwood floors were too expensive.

I just skimmed the article, but I didn't see any mention of using a shallower litter pan. Sometimes older cats have issues with joint soreness and they don't like to pull their legs up very high to step over the edge. I had an older cat with similar issues once, and a litter pan that was about 2 inches shorter helped out tremendously.
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