Canada Vs. USA

Aaaand another Canadian pussy that can't take it.

Feels bad doesn't it?

Must suck knowing that your country literally wouldn't be able to function without the US covering its ass and telling it what to do at every turn.

All the redneck posts are just the butthurt, desperate throes from knowing that 90% of your entire population is huddled within 100 miles of the US border.

Face it: your entire country's welfare is based on sucking on the balls of the US.

And its entire military simply cannot function without aid and training given by the US (i've seen and participated in it first hand)

You're like a 3rd world country we send aid to, nothing more. Absolutely nothing. It's the same thing. I trained more Canadian troops while on active duty than Iraqi troops (and the Iraqi troops were often THAT'S saying something)

TL;DR: You have no clue what you're fucking babbling about but just don't like it because I dropped some not-so-great truth about your shitty country on you.

Just shut the fuck up, already. That's all you have and all you'll ever have because what I'm saying is true.

/stupid argument


Here's some ointment for the itching, pain and discomfort this thread caused you.


Not butthurt. It wasn't until you chimed in with your retarded babbling that I even had to take you to school.

And just so you know, I'm not a "MUURRICA FUCK YEAH" chest thumping fanboy either.

The US military has plenty of lazy, useless dipshits too.
Aaaand another Canadian pussy that can't take it.

Feels bad doesn't it?

Must suck knowing that your country literally wouldn't be able to function without the US covering its ass and telling it what to do at every turn.

All the redneck posts are just the butthurt, desperate throes from knowing that 90% of your entire population is huddled within 100 miles of the US border.

Face it: your entire country's welfare is based on sucking on the balls of the US.

And its entire military simply cannot function without aid and training given by the US (i've seen and participated in it first hand)

You're like a 3rd world country we send aid to, nothing more. Absolutely nothing. It's the same thing. I trained more Canadian troops while on active duty than Iraqi troops (and the Iraqi troops were often THAT'S saying something)

TL;DR: You have no clue what you're fucking babbling about but just don't like it because I dropped some not-so-great truth about your shitty country on you.

Just shut the fuck up, already. That's all you have and all you'll ever have because what I'm saying is true.

/stupid argument

Oh really? You trained Canadian troops while in Iraq? How fascinating, tell me more.

I was under the illusion that Canada only sent troops to Afghanistan, we never sent troops to Iraq. That was strictly a US-Brit gig.

Unless of course, I, along with all other Canadians, have been duped by the powers above and Canadian troops were secretly sent into Iraq without public knowledge.

Perchance, can you tell me what Canadian units served in Iraq?

And my goodness, to be a trainer of foreign troops, that's very impressive. Would you mind sharing with us what rank you held in the US military? Were you an officer? In which branch did you serve?
Oh really? You trained Canadian troops while in Iraq? How fascinating, tell me more.

Read more, assume less. Please tell me where I said there were Canadian troops in Iraq? Please tell me where. Oh yeah, you can't because I didn't.

You're an idiot that just couldn't wait to tear my post apart because you THOUGHT you knew what you were talking about.

But you fucking don't.

I was under the illusion that Canada only sent troops to Afghanistan, we never sent troops to Iraq. That was strictly a US-Brit gig.

And you're possibly right. I don't know. Never saw a Canuck in the sandbox.

Unless of course, I, along with all other Canadians, have been duped by the powers above and Canadian troops were secretly sent into Iraq without public knowledge.

No idea. I don't comment on things I don't know about. You should try doing the same.

Perchance, can you tell me what Canadian units served in Iraq?

Perchance you actually read a post before going on the attack? Nope. I guess not.

And my goodness, to be a trainer of foreign troops, that's very impressive. Would you mind sharing with us what rank you held in the US military? Were you an officer? In which branch did you serve?

WTF are you fucking dumb? It's no secret that the US trained Iraqi forces (and still are, in a smaller capacity) for years.

And joint training exercises always have cross-unit training. As far as my rank, it was mid/high enlisted (E-6) when I got out of the Navy EOD.

And yes, I was assigned to give training to Brits, Canucks, and Isreali in security measures. Officer? LOL. I thought I said that I worked for a living, not push papers around and go to meetings.
Come on fellas, all of this over a game of tug of war. I hate to see what the Olympics are going to be like. By the way, the Brits are laughing at us.
Beach Affiliate you're trying hard man, too hard.

We can see right thru you kid, you were probably the little fat (or scrawny) kid in high school, getting picked on even by the girls. Getting laid was mission impossible. This anger has been eating you ever since. Amirite? Or was it the military that was a traumatic experience for ya? Were they making fun of you in the showers? Talk to us son, this is a gay webmaster forum, we won't hold it against you.

Honestly though, I've been watching you since you signed up and 2/3 of your posts are about bashing somebody. What's wrong bro? This is an internet forum, not a MMA octagon. Chill the fuck out. I feel like since you bashed a mod (turbolapp) you feel like you have super powers now? Get back to earth, you're just another gay webmaster.

Oh and BTW, the US and Canada are the 2 largest trading partners in the world. "Trading" goes both ways in case you don't know what this means. You need our natural resources just as much as we need your technology and other goods.
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Sign up for the military, get to pull each other. Brilliant.
Next time I travel, Canada is on the itinerary, looks like an awesome place.
And yes, I was assigned to give training to Brits, Canucks, and Isreali in security measures. Officer? LOL. I thought I said that I worked for a living, not push papers around and go to meetings.

What country where you in when this happened, If you don't mind I ask. Don't make me do pushups if you said it somewhere here and I missed it. :1bluewinky:
been skiing in canada (BC & Alberta) 4 times. the people are fucking gay, but the mountains are good.
What country where you in when this happened, If you don't mind I ask. Don't make me do pushups if you said it somewhere here and I missed it. :1bluewinky:

Meh, if he legitimately served in Navy EOD and truly trained Canadians, he's entitled to his opinions.

If he is a poseur-military-wannabe-impersonator, then fuck him.

No way to prove or disprove, so give him the benefit of the doubt.

Still wouldn't mind him calling out which Canadian units proved to be so disgraceful in conduct...