Canada Vs. USA


Click, Whirr.
Oct 27, 2008
Canada... eh!

[ame=""]One on one soldier Tug of War, Canada vs USA - YouTube[/ame]

No contest.

Meanwhile over on the continent of ____ , more than ____ civilians were killed when the country of ____ launched an attack on country ____. The attack was prompted by a bout of indigestion suffered by the leader of country ____, who blamed country _____

Well crap the above paragraph was funnier when it was still in my head, but I guess I'm still getting over this nasty virus...
When I was active duty, I got swept into a multi-national joint training "anti-terrorism" exercise that was comprised of troops from the US, UK, Canada and a few other countries. It was basically a grandiose exercise the brass could whack off to and showcase using a shitload of PR.

Canadians were, by far, the laziest mother fuckers I'd ever seen. Maybe it was just those particular units that were involved but still...holy shit they were fucking useless. Nice enough guys, though. But fucking retardedly lazy.
Canadians were, by far, the laziest mother fuckers I'd ever seen. Maybe it was just those particular units that were involved but still...holy shit they were fucking useless. Nice enough guys, though. But fucking retardedly lazy.

Maybe they realized,

It was basically a grandiose exercise the brass could whack off to and showcase using a shitload of PR.

Before you guys did, and just let the people who believe in the 'grandiose exercise' - play with themselves?
Don't get butthurt. Doesn't matter if its "just" a training exercise or not. 99.99% of the shit military does is training exercises. You're still supposed to get off your ass and do something.

I was actually being pretty kind in that last post. Every Canadian I ever met and worked with (we trained them on security measures a LOT) was fucking stupid, lazy, and had that faggy French aura of "Why do I have to do this?" whining shit going on all the time. They'd rather sit around and smoke cigarettes than do...well...anything at all.

But in the end, they did what they were told when we told them to do it. Because Canada's troops and its military in general are so fucking inept they have to have US military train them to do pretty much fucking everything.

The Brits despised them. The Israelis despised them. But we (the US units) were fucking stuck with them.

So don't get the assumption that they were just smarter than everyone else. They weren't. They were undertrained, over-entitled, undisciplined faggots.

True story, bro.

Don't get butthurt. Doesn't matter if its "just" a training exercise or not. 99.99% of the shit military does is training exercises. You're still supposed to get off your ass and do something.

I was actually being pretty kind in that last post. Every Canadian I ever met and worked with (we trained them on security measures a LOT) was fucking stupid, lazy, and had that faggy French aura of "Why do I have to do this?" whining shit going on all the time. They'd rather sit around and smoke cigarettes than do...well...anything at all.

But in the end, they did what they were told when we told them to do it. Because Canada's troops and its military in general are so fucking inept they have to have US military train them to do pretty much fucking everything.

The Brits despised them. The Israelis despised them. But we (the US units) were fucking stuck with them.

So don't get the assumption that they were just smarter than everyone else. They weren't. They were undertrained, over-entitled, undisciplined faggots.

True story, bro.



Don't get butthurt. Doesn't matter if its "just" a training exercise or not. 99.99% of the shit military does is training exercises. You're still supposed to get off your ass and do something.

I was actually being pretty kind in that last post. Every Canadian I ever met and worked with (we trained them on security measures a LOT) was fucking stupid, lazy, and had that faggy French aura of "Why do I have to do this?" whining shit going on all the time. They'd rather sit around and smoke cigarettes than do...well...anything at all.

But in the end, they did what they were told when we told them to do it. Because Canada's troops and its military in general are so fucking inept they have to have US military train them to do pretty much fucking everything.

The Brits despised them. The Israelis despised them. But we (the US units) were fucking stuck with them.

So don't get the assumption that they were just smarter than everyone else. They weren't. They were undertrained, over-entitled, undisciplined faggots.

True story, bro.


The only idea I'm getting from this gem of a butt hurt post, is that your ex must of found a superior male in Canada while you were doing your 'grandiose' exercises. Tell us how you really feel, hahahaha.

Great job on being the ideal sheep while you served.
The only idea I'm getting from this gem of a butt hurt post, is that your ex must of found a superior male in Canada while you were doing your 'grandiose' exercises. Tell us how you really feel, hahahaha.

Great job on being the ideal sheep while you served.

Aaaand another Canadian pussy that can't take it.

Feels bad doesn't it?

Must suck knowing that your country literally wouldn't be able to function without the US covering its ass and telling it what to do at every turn.

All the redneck posts are just the butthurt, desperate throes from knowing that 90% of your entire population is huddled within 100 miles of the US border.

Face it: your entire country's welfare is based on sucking on the balls of the US.

And its entire military simply cannot function without aid and training given by the US (i've seen and participated in it first hand)

You're like a 3rd world country we send aid to, nothing more. Absolutely nothing. It's the same thing. I trained more Canadian troops while on active duty than Iraqi troops (and the Iraqi troops were often THAT'S saying something)

TL;DR: You have no clue what you're fucking babbling about but just don't like it because I dropped some not-so-great truth about your shitty country on you.

"blah blah blah redneck 'murrican blah blah blah george bush blah blah blah"

Just shut the fuck up, already. That's all you have and all you'll ever have because what I'm saying is true.

/stupid argument