Can we pay Britney Spears to go away?

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:music07:Seriously, can we?

I think if we pulled together our pennies maybe we could send this mentally ill no-talent back to Louisiana, where she comes from.

I have an arts background and make a decent part-time income as a professional jazz musician and composer. It literally makes my cells implode when I keep seeing people who a) can't sing b) can't act c) have fake boobs, teeth, and hair d) screw up their lives completely - lose custody of their children, have massive amounts of psychotic episodes out in public, go to rehab over and over again and they STILL get featured on shows like the Uk's X Factor or the latest MTV special or whatever.

Pisses me off.

Please, let's make her go away.


:music07:Seriously, can we?

I think if we pulled together our pennies maybe we could send this mentally ill no-talent back to Louisiana, where she comes from.

I have an arts background and make a decent part-time income as a professional jazz musician and composer. It literally makes my cells implode when I keep seeing people who a) can't sing b) can't act c) have fake boobs, teeth, and hair d) screw up their lives completely - lose custody of their children, have massive amounts of psychotic episodes out in public, go to rehab over and over again and they STILL get featured on shows like the Uk's X Factor or the latest MTV special or whatever.

Pisses me off.

Please, let's make her go away.


More people like Pop music then Jazz music, I'm afraid. You acknowledge that she has no talent, can't act, has fake boobs and a terrible life and you are STILL jealous of her 'success'.
Well, our jazz trio pulls in about $1500 for each gig - split among three people for about three hours to five hours of work. That's $500 per gig for each person. Better than working at Micky D's.

The problem is the work tends to be seasonal. So you have all the weddings and stuff from May through October and we work full-time, then the rest of the year gigs vary. Also one of my trio members and his wife just had a baby so he's not interested in working as much this winter. But it's really cool doing what you enjoy and making money at it. Fellow musicians will relate - and if you're not, shut up. You have no music in your soul so you're not qualified to criticize people who do.

Affiliate marketing earns me about $50,000 a year, which is nice, too. I like to combine the computer stuff with the living my life, playing my music stuff.

And what's wrong with a Miles Davis landing page, anyway? (LOL)

i remember hearing somewhere that britney is a billion dollar industry (not just her records, but all the magazines, papparizzi pics, etc)
What the hell do you care (what Britney Spears is doing)?

I fuckin' hate people that tell you what you should or should not do.

Props on playin' music though. Music is my fave.
What the hell do you care (what Britney Spears is doing)?

I fuckin' hate people that tell you what you should or should not do.

Props on playin' music though. Music is my fave.

I don't care what she's doing, that's the problem. When I go to check the news to find out what's really going on in the world I don't expect the inane day to day existence of Britney or her sister, or any other celeb for that matter, to be leading headline material (unless they actually do something amazing or die). She can "do" whatever the fuck she wants, I just don't need to hear about it.
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