Calacanis on policing the web

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Wait a second, Jason.

You give out a speech like that, then come here trying to ruffle up some feathers and you're the keynote speaker at Affiliate Summit West?

You only care about "policing" the web to benefit Mahalo. Hypocrite.

Where on Mahalo do you disclose that the Google results benefit you monetarily?

best jason

Doubtful. I know better Jasons.
gab - 1 thing you can't say about the douche bag is he does not know how to make money
Slightly confused: are you guys are in favor of deceptive advertising/hidden affiliate links? Why not just disclose the links?

best jason

Gotta say, I love the argument.

Are you in favor of crime? You must be if you're against me putting a camera in your home to help stop crime.

As far as large social sites profiteering from spam? hahaha idiot.

As far as social sites having a responsibility to not allow spam. Name one social site that can't be spammed. Just one :) All social sites are spammable, hell most are very easy. How much spam the sites get have nothing to do with how easy or hard they are to spam although it is a tiny factor. It's about priorities. One site becoming less worth it to spam will cause more spam on another site/medium/whatever. You think after all the laws, regulations, tools, and crackdowns email spammers have lost any money?

So even if you got your way to its fullest degree. It wouldn't make a bit of difference in the spamming industry. It would just make the web suck.
Jason has been doing this stuff for years. Just before he has an announcement or major media appearance he ruffles some feathers so that people will be paying attention.

In reality it is all "nothing to see here folks, move along."
It's not a debate - it's Q&A after his talk here anybody is welcome to speak up with their wisdom to shoot holes in his argument.

And with such an obviously impartial host I just cannot understand why wickedfire members aren't jumping at the opportunity.
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