Calacanis on policing the web

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Love the dog
Oct 3, 2006
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"So how does somebody who's an absolute genius at marketing - who wrote, literally wrote the book on it, create a platform for spamming the web?"

...Because he's a genius at marketing?

Not that I think old Seth is a genius, but what a retarded question.

I'm about 6 minutes into this, it's pretty interesting. A lot of whining so far.
Ok, just finished watching Jason's presentation there.

All I can really say is that it seemed to be a sales pitch. "Here are all these sites - look at how ebil they are! Here's why...(blah blah blah spam blah blah spam). But...never fear! There's a solution! It just so happens to be Mahalo."

Come on.

He reminds me of the kid who always got picked on and hassled, and then became a hall monitor.

"We have to protect our (cyber) environment!" Well, fine, if you want to live in fantasy land. What do you think happens when you drive down the average street in any town? "Oh, there's K-mart, McDonalds, a Denny's." You think all those signs are out there to look pretty? Sorry bud, that's 'spam,' right there in your Real Life back yard. It's called business.

All in all, I found the presentation to be quite vague/opaque, slamming (more successful) business models leading up to a slick little finish to plug Mahalo.
"and you'd load an activex plug that would load a bunch of porn..."

...and your point is?
Just took a look at maholo. It pulls results from other engines, what a spam fighter you are. Oh yeah, that's the only way people would use you're piece of shit search engine...

He's the hitler of the internets
How dare you put yourself before others. Fascist.
How dare you make profit. Socialist.
How dare you make an open system. Totalitarian.

This guy is an asshole.

His youtube > hulu example is not an argument for his idea at all it shows how when you don't police things, the free market corrects.
did anyone else just swallow a huge loogie full of prostatism talk?

If you haven't seen the video yet I'll save you a lot of pain by summing it up.
The interwebs should not be free and open because free and open leads to affiliate spam. It should be controlled and regulated to its maximum otherwise it'll be destroyed by potential abuse. Blah blah blah evil paid links, blah blah affiliate links are spam. *puke* spammers are evil people.
The Internet is something we have to fight tooth and nail to keep as free and open as possible. It is IMO one of the last great true democratic and laissez faire systems around. The moment we start regulating a bunch of stuff on here, it's going to fuck it all up. We've already started getting screwed with the whole gambling idiocy.
I don't think it's even possible to regulate the internet, so this guy is just whining out of his ass.

Right now this is not possible, but code is mallable and can be changed.
"Code" by Lawrence Lessig (a lawyer who does a lot of forward thinking on copyright law, internet, etc..) does a good job summing up the dangers.

Amazon Link


Right now this is not possible, but code is mallable and can be changed.
"Code" by Lawrence Lessig (a lawyer who does a lot of forward thinking on copyright law, internet, etc..) does a good job summing up the dangers.

Amazon Link


Thanks for the link. I'll check it out. :)

This Calacanis guy will be the keynote at Affiliate Summit 2008. :1orglaugh:

I've been to this of his (there's no way this shit gets a link) and noticed that there is no Mahalo-page for gay affiliate forum.

One can send a request, though. I think if they are flooded with requests for this, maybe it will work. I've been brainstorming some other things to request sites for:
viagra spam
link spamming
blog scraping
free speech
internet is serious business
mr. hands
pain olympics
Slightly confused: are you guys are in favor of deceptive advertising/hidden affiliate links? Why not just disclose the links?

best jason
You use general attacks on SEOs, Affiliates etc to basically keep your own name in the spotlight. You create bogeymen of legitimate SEOs and Affiliates to keep your own name in the spotlight. Dare I say to make money. Your business model and public relations machine is based on fear that you create yourself in the first place.

Sure there are scumbags in those fields. Just nowhere near the amount you tell people there are so you can make a buck. You sacrifice a lot of innocent people and businesses with your broad brush strokes so that you can keep yourself in the spotlight.

You use your knowledge of the internet to bamboozle and scare people with a lesser

You then have the temerity to tell us that "hidden affiliate links" are your only problem.

That is disingenuous, Jason.

Your business model is every bit as scumbaggish as a spammer.

Hell, rewind a few years and your weblogs inc network even did the link spam thing that so many blog networks are famous for. Every blog linking to every other blog in the network, even if not relevant - what is that, if not spam?

People who don't buy links and disclose their affiliate links are still painted as bogeymen by your fearmongering garbage.
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