Buddhist monk levitates

So you're telling me, you can hack into someone's bank account at will but you believe that a monk can simply counter a force that makes our moon orbit around it?

So you're telling me, you can hack into someone's bank account at will but you believe that a monk can simply counter a force that makes our moon orbit around it?

Technically, we generate our own weak fields. If someone were in the right spot and generated the right kind of fields (see changing your brain waves to thea) then it's theoretically possible. Can't vouch for the OP video, but I'm smart enough to let it be till more facts show up.

Also, go meditate and play with a plasma global. Meditation makes it act way different towards you. Science is cool. Magic doesn't exist. God is great.
Technically, we generate our own weak fields. If someone were in the right spot and generated the right kind of fields (see changing your brain waves to thea) then it's theoretically possible. Can't vouch for the OP video, but I'm smart enough to let it be till more facts show up.

Also, go meditate and play with a plasma global. Meditation makes it act way different towards you. Science is cool. Magic doesn't exist. God is great.

suck my dick, Also the russians better fear my ass raping.

I like the op post, I am shitting on the cigarette guy. It's such an obvious scam. I mean, you push the cig in the paper, then you push a few times (like a bellow) and boom, fire. Are you surprised?

Watch telling a Gay Webmaster to suck your dick, we put our mouths where our money is... erm, or something like that. I'LL FUCKING DO IT BRO!

P.S. - do you know the reason Louisiana doesn't float off into the Gulf of Mexico? Because Arkansas FUCKING SUCKS!
when were you in Iran. Just because the media says it's one way, doesn't mean it is. ARe you one of _those_ I believe fox news idiots? Ok, I don't have to explain shit to you. You wouldn't understand anything past, IRAN BAD. SMASH!

Ummm... I have a number of close friends who are Iranian.

You know the news reports about how fucked up the government is?

They're inaccurate - it's far worse.

Also, the majority of Iranians really, really fucking hate their government. They're just so utterly terrified of them they haven't followed the example of Libya et al. yet.
Ummm... I have a number of close friends who are Iranian.

You know the news reports about how fucked up the government is?

They're inaccurate - it's far worse.

Also, the majority of Iranians really, really fucking hate their government. They're just so utterly terrified of them they haven't followed the example of Libya et al. yet.

It's not even the gov't that is bad. It's the mullahs people hate.
Technically, we generate our own weak fields. If someone were in the right spot and generated the right kind of fields (see changing your brain waves to thea) then it's theoretically possible. Can't vouch for the OP video, but I'm smart enough to let it be till more facts show up.

Also, go meditate and play with a plasma global. Meditation makes it act way different towards you. Science is cool. Magic doesn't exist. God is great.
