Buddhist monk levitates

Don't need to be a genius to see it's staged. Camera shows behind the monk at the start but once he starts levitating it's only frontal shot
Don't need to be a genius to see it's staged. Camera shows behind the monk at the start but once he starts levitating it's only frontal shot

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2NAohPcT4U&t=160]John Chang - Electrical Chi Powers - YouTube[/ame]

I stopped watching the moment that monk started speaking english. That dude speaks better english than 90% of cab drivers in my city.

Reminds me of the guy that "levitated" in front of the white house a couple years ago...

Everyone was freaking out, till he admitted using some kind of chair connected to the ground.

uh, except that it's a trick with a cigarette and any idiot can see that.

Also, you don't go up to black people and go, sorry about your black skin. They might beat the shit out of you for talking that shit.

1.) Iran isn't exactly the most tolerant of countries. How many people have been beheaded in that region for sorcery recently?

2.) Being black is a skin color. Being in a shitty nation is completely different.
1.) Iran isn't exactly the most tolerant of countries. How many people have been beheaded in that region for sorcery recently?

The same as the Us, recently

2.) Being black is a skin color. Being in a shitty nation is completely different.

when were you in Iran. Just because the media says it's one way, doesn't mean it is. ARe you one of _those_ I believe fox news idiots? Ok, I don't have to explain shit to you. You wouldn't understand anything past, IRAN BAD. SMASH!
uh, except that it's a trick with a cigarette and any idiot can see that.

Also, you don't go up to black people and go, sorry about your black skin. They might beat the shit out of you for talking that shit.
DO NOT GO SHITTING IN A PRODUCTIONHEAD THREAD! He will have the fucking Russians ass rape you!
So you're telling me, you can hack into someone's bank account at will but you believe that a monk can simply counter a force that makes our moon orbit around it?