BSG Finale - Kicked ASS!

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New member
May 11, 2007

That was f'ing awesome.

What a great, intelligent way to finish up the series. Lots of action, lots to think about, a couple loose ends for follow up stories.

Could be the three fosters in me, but great end to a great series . . .

So say we all!

I've never seen the show and I don't know why... I guess I'll download it now. I'm a fan of everything from LOST to Farscape, so I'm sure I'll like it.
Dude - start at the beginning and watch - it's great.

I was skeptical at first and then go turned on to it.

Really great show, in lots of ways.

People love Lost, I've never watched it . . guess I'll have to.
Yeah, it was pretty sick - I liked how the music the little girl gave Kara was the co-ordinates for the new Earth.
Was pretty good, I saw that exact ending coming years ago though so no huge suprise really. Plus several other sci story types have done it before but when you consider the whole premis of BSG was ripped from Phillip K. Dick its no suprise either really. Not that it wasn't a great show mind you.
Frackin eh!

Now thats how you do a Series... one thing i didnt get though..... not all the bad cylons died...can't they just like..umm...come find them again?
Frackin eh!

Now thats how you do a Series... one thing i didnt get though..... not all the bad cylons died...can't they just like..umm...come find them again?

I suppose they could, but they are "a million light years" from anywhere ..

It's a big galaxy.
I was going to download the series, until I read up on it a bit more... God and Angels? No aliens? Pass. This review on digg killed the idea of watching it for me:

I am actually angry at the writers for taking what was a great show, and running into the ground. Seasons 1 and 2 were intelligent, mysterious and exciting. Season 3, was just stupid. And Season 4 was stupid AND boring. And the series finale was the *worst* episode of them all.

Here are the things that will annoy me forever:

1) Hera wasn't critical to *anything*. The final moments of the show where they tell us that Hera was the common ancestor of all mankind? We KNOW that can't be right, because the planet already had humans on it, AND the entire crew of 40,000(?) or so survivors that decided to live there. In order for Hera to be the common ancestor of modern man, we would have to believe that all the refugees, including all the characters we know and love, all died out- their family trees exterminated by Hera's descendants.

2) Okay, if God and his angels are playing such an active role, why the hell didn't the angels just give Baltar the coordinates to Earth at the very beginning? Why didn't he send the angels down to talk Cylons out of committing genocide in the first place?

3) Baltar's imaginary friend was *actually* an angel?! I was holding out some hope that it was some sort of mental projection from a supercomputer somewhere, or I don't know... ANYTHING that had any sort of rational explanation, no matter how far fetched.

4) Galen interrupted the one single act which would have saved all of human and Cylon civilization forever, because he was angry? Really? He couldn't hold his temper for just a few more minutes? He had to stop right then, and snap her neck, stopping any chance for peace? He's that stupid? I mean, he could have snapped her neck in like 5 minutes and no one would have cared, but instead he destroys two civilizations.

5) What happened to old Earth? How were there only 5 survivors? Seriously, you're going to leave us hanging on this? This isn't a small plot point- this is the mystery that's been driving the past two seasons.

6) Okay, so the final five cylons, did they have a plan, or didn't they? what was there plan? How did they get outsmarted by Cavil? Did he sneak up on all five of them at the same time? Did he overpower them without any of the other cylons (which seem to love them) stepping in?

7) How come in an entire civilization of robots, there isn't a single one that's even the tiniest bit smarter than human beings? I mean, this is as far as they progress? Where are the super computers?

8) So, the cylons that look like people were actually built by ancient cylons that also look like people. And the old cylons who could have had a grudge against humans, didn't actually hate them at all, while the new cylons, who had never even met the humans wanted to exterminate them? Why? Their technology was so superior, that humans were not a threat- and it seems like genocide of a species that is no threat to you at all is just a huge waste of time and energy.

9) The humans can build Battlestars and artificial intelligence, but they haven't made any medical advances beyond where we are today in the year 2009? Really? No cancer cures beyond chemotherapy? None? No replacement for amputated limbs?

10) Where is all this alcohol coming from? Every one of our main characters seems to be able to get their hands on enough booze to become a raging alcoholic for months on end.

11) Didn't they mention a missing Cylon named "daniel" near the end? Why bring him up if he is never ever going to appear in the story?

12) Flashbacks. Really, do we really need boring back story spliced into the final episode? Do I give a crap that Roslin fucked her student? That her family died? Did the flashbacks have ANY relevance to the current storyline at all? No, no they didn't. Oh, and thanks for giving me 3 different flashbacks to Adama and Tigh at a strip club talking about stuff we already sort of already knew, and which had no relevance to the story at all.

13) Depression. So, every character we cared about had an unhappy ending:

Adm. Adama loses the last woman he'll ever love, or possibly even meet. Also, he decides to never see his son again because... uh... why? No reason. Not even a hint of a reason.

Lee Adama- finally has the time and opportunity to build a life with Starbuck, but even though the entire audience knows that they are meant for eachother, he shows no interest in her at all. Oh, and by the way she's a ghost. Oh, and by the way she's gone. But its okay because he's going to go mountain climbing. Oh by the way, his Dad would rather be sad and alone than hang out with him.

Saul Tigh- is going live out the last few years of his millennia-long life span with only one eye, and severe amnesia. He will spend the rest of his days shagging his worn-out slut of a wife. They will actually kill eachother in about a week when the realize they live on a planet without booze, the only thing that they had in common.

Galen- destroyed the entire human and cylon race because he was all mad about the death of a girl he never really loved. Oh, and the girl he did love, Boomer, turned evil and then turned good, and then got shot. Now he will die lonely.

Baltar gets to shag Six for the rest of his life, which is pretty cool, but he spent the entire show being a sniveling little wanker, so why the hell is he the only person that gets to be happy?

EVERY OTHER COLONIST- gives up civilization to go live in the wilderness? Really? There wasn’t a single person who said “Um, actually, I enjoy modern medicine, electronic media, and the knowledge base of an advanced civilization.” Also, these humans are the last remnants of civilization that spanned several planets- don’t they feel the need to preserve their history and memory? Nah- lets all be farmers and die from the plague and polio!
I was going to download the series, until I read up on it a bit more... God and Angels? No aliens? Pass. This review on digg killed the idea of watching it for me:

I am actually angry at the writers for taking what was a great show, and running into the ground. Seasons 1 and 2 were intelligent, mysterious and exciting. Season 3, was just stupid. And Season 4 was stupid AND boring. And the series finale was the *worst* episode of them all.

Here are the things that will annoy me forever:

1) Hera wasn't critical to *anything*. The final moments of the show where they tell us that Hera was the common ancestor of all mankind? We KNOW that can't be right, because the planet already had humans on it, AND the entire crew of 40,000(?) or so survivors that decided to live there. In order for Hera to be the common ancestor of modern man, we would have to believe that all the refugees, including all the characters we know and love, all died out- their family trees exterminated by Hera's descendants.

2) Okay, if God and his angels are playing such an active role, why the hell didn't the angels just give Baltar the coordinates to Earth at the very beginning? Why didn't he send the angels down to talk Cylons out of committing genocide in the first place?

3) Baltar's imaginary friend was *actually* an angel?! I was holding out some hope that it was some sort of mental projection from a supercomputer somewhere, or I don't know... ANYTHING that had any sort of rational explanation, no matter how far fetched.

4) Galen interrupted the one single act which would have saved all of human and Cylon civilization forever, because he was angry? Really? He couldn't hold his temper for just a few more minutes? He had to stop right then, and snap her neck, stopping any chance for peace? He's that stupid? I mean, he could have snapped her neck in like 5 minutes and no one would have cared, but instead he destroys two civilizations.

5) What happened to old Earth? How were there only 5 survivors? Seriously, you're going to leave us hanging on this? This isn't a small plot point- this is the mystery that's been driving the past two seasons.

6) Okay, so the final five cylons, did they have a plan, or didn't they? what was there plan? How did they get outsmarted by Cavil? Did he sneak up on all five of them at the same time? Did he overpower them without any of the other cylons (which seem to love them) stepping in?

7) How come in an entire civilization of robots, there isn't a single one that's even the tiniest bit smarter than human beings? I mean, this is as far as they progress? Where are the super computers?

8) So, the cylons that look like people were actually built by ancient cylons that also look like people. And the old cylons who could have had a grudge against humans, didn't actually hate them at all, while the new cylons, who had never even met the humans wanted to exterminate them? Why? Their technology was so superior, that humans were not a threat- and it seems like genocide of a species that is no threat to you at all is just a huge waste of time and energy.

9) The humans can build Battlestars and artificial intelligence, but they haven't made any medical advances beyond where we are today in the year 2009? Really? No cancer cures beyond chemotherapy? None? No replacement for amputated limbs?

10) Where is all this alcohol coming from? Every one of our main characters seems to be able to get their hands on enough booze to become a raging alcoholic for months on end.

11) Didn't they mention a missing Cylon named "daniel" near the end? Why bring him up if he is never ever going to appear in the story?

12) Flashbacks. Really, do we really need boring back story spliced into the final episode? Do I give a crap that Roslin fucked her student? That her family died? Did the flashbacks have ANY relevance to the current storyline at all? No, no they didn't. Oh, and thanks for giving me 3 different flashbacks to Adama and Tigh at a strip club talking about stuff we already sort of already knew, and which had no relevance to the story at all.

13) Depression. So, every character we cared about had an unhappy ending:

Adm. Adama loses the last woman he'll ever love, or possibly even meet. Also, he decides to never see his son again because... uh... why? No reason. Not even a hint of a reason.

Lee Adama- finally has the time and opportunity to build a life with Starbuck, but even though the entire audience knows that they are meant for eachother, he shows no interest in her at all. Oh, and by the way she's a ghost. Oh, and by the way she's gone. But its okay because he's going to go mountain climbing. Oh by the way, his Dad would rather be sad and alone than hang out with him.

Saul Tigh- is going live out the last few years of his millennia-long life span with only one eye, and severe amnesia. He will spend the rest of his days shagging his worn-out slut of a wife. They will actually kill eachother in about a week when the realize they live on a planet without booze, the only thing that they had in common.

Galen- destroyed the entire human and cylon race because he was all mad about the death of a girl he never really loved. Oh, and the girl he did love, Boomer, turned evil and then turned good, and then got shot. Now he will die lonely.

Baltar gets to shag Six for the rest of his life, which is pretty cool, but he spent the entire show being a sniveling little wanker, so why the hell is he the only person that gets to be happy?

EVERY OTHER COLONIST- gives up civilization to go live in the wilderness? Really? There wasn’t a single person who said “Um, actually, I enjoy modern medicine, electronic media, and the knowledge base of an advanced civilization.” Also, these humans are the last remnants of civilization that spanned several planets- don’t they feel the need to preserve their history and memory? Nah- lets all be farmers and die from the plague and polio!

Lol - that review's actually pretty funny. It's true the finale could have been a lot better, but I still like the show.
The story's kinda bland, it's about this guy named Dumbledore Calrissian who needs to return this ring back to Mordor.
spoiler alert

What was Starbuck?

Why did Cavil kill himself?

Why did they destroy their technology?

Why did people decide to go to the other continents of Earth without pairing up like Noah's Ark?
spoiler alert

What was Starbuck?

Why did Cavil kill himself?

Why did they destroy their technology?

Why did people decide to go to the other continents of Earth without pairing up like Noah's Ark?

What was Starbuck? - Ghost/Angel type thingy.... she died last time around...failed to find earth...harbringer of death .... so she kinda stuck in purgatory until she helped the crew find the real earth.... or thats what i thought

Why did Cavil kill himself? For fraks and giggles

Why did they destroy their technology? didn't want to repeat mistakes...

Why did people decide to go to the other continents of Earth without pairing up like Noah's Ark? to spread out like a disease....
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